Chapter 42

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I called the person in.

The door opened and revealed Tendo together with Toshi. I couldn't help but smile. They really came.

"Hey Y/N! How are you? Are you feeling better? You really scared us back there." Tendo said while getting closer to me, Toshi walking behind me.

"Hey, you two. I am feeling better, thanks for asking. And i didn't mean to scare you like that." I said, giving him an apologic look.

"Anyways. I really gotta go home, my family wanted to see me and i should probably be on time for that. But i still wanted to see you before. So i came here with Ushiwaka. I hope you get better soon, Y/N." Tendo said.

"Thank you, Tendo. And have fun with your family." I said.

He laughed at that and waved while saying goodbye. I did the same.

In the meantime, Toshi had sat down on a stool close to my bed. I looked at him. He was wearing normal clothes. A dark blue jeans with a T-shirt with the shadow of a person jumping in the air for spiking on it. The rest, besides the black shadow, was in a light grey. Over it he wore a jacket. It was open and in the same colour of the jeans.

I liked it.

"Hey, Y/N. Why didn't you say anything? And when did you even get hurt? Why would you act like nothing happened? You could have gotten injured even more!" He practically yelled at me. Well, it wasn't actually yelling but from any other person it would have been yelling. With Toshi, it was just louder and more energetic talking.

"I am sorry." I really ment that. "I tought, if i tell you or any other person, that i would get switched out and i really wanted to win this game. I know you guys are strong, even without me but with me you are a lot stronger and i just couldn't tke the risk of loosing that game."

"Do you think it is more important to win a game than you being healthy?"

"For me it is."

"but not the rest of the team! What if you had injured yourself perminantly? What if you could have never been able to play again? Do you think it matters if we win one single game but you aren't able to play ever again or loosing once but you being able to play more games and win these? Did you ever think about that?"

I let my head drop. He was right. I didn't think at all. I was selfish. What did i think in that moment?

Some tears started running down my cheeks. I wiped them away, but more kept going.

Until i felt a strong arm wrapping around my shoulders.

"I am sorry." Toshi said, close to my ear. "I didn't meant to hurt you like that. But you can't do something like that ever again. We need you on the team. Understood?"

I nodded and managed to get my tears under control.

"But still: when in the game did you get injured?"

Toshi's arm was still around my shoulder. I liked the feeling. Some butterflys seemed to start flying around in my stomach. But i pushed it down. I needed to tell him the truth.

"Remeber the block, when Goshiki jumped in it and i lost my balance in the air?"

"Yeah... Don't tell me..."

"When i landed on the ground, i got injured because i couldn't catch myself."

"You played about half of the second set being injured?!" Toshi nearly yelled at me.

I couldn't do anything else but nodd lightly.

"Hey, it's okay. Just promise to never do something cracy like that ever again, okay?"

"I promise."

Toshi stroke the arm on which his hand was laying for a little before letiing go and pulling his arm back to himself.

After that, we made a little small talk. I told him about my injury and all that shit. He wasn't happy about me not being able to play for so long but he promised, he would kill me personally if i even dared to think about starting practice earlier than i got the okay from my doctor.

He can be really scary somtimes.

After some time, he needed to go and i missed him the second he left the room and closed the door behind himself.

God, is this how love feels? 

It is lowkey annoying.

but at the same time wonderful.


This is going to be the death of me.

~Timeskip next morning~

In the evening, my mother came over and brought me the bag. Hoshi had packed everything that i asked for. She really is an angel.

In the morning, a nurse brought me breakfast and after thet, the doctor checked me once again.

I haven't got a concussion and my foot was also doing well, given the circumstances. I was allowed to leyve as soon as my mom would come and sign the sheets.

She came at around 8:30 am. She had took the day off to take care of me.

She signed the sheets and i packed the few things, i had taken out of my bag, back inside. I then got up and sat at the edge of the bed. I grabbed the crouches and pushed myself off the bed, my injured foot not touching the ground.

My mother insited in carrying my bag, so i let her. I made my way threw the hospital and into the car in the front seat. My crouches were on the back seat. My mother put them there.

It already annoyed me that people felt the need to help me at literally everything. Just because i injured my foot doesn't mean that i can't use my hands.

My mother drove us home.

I grabbed my crouches from the back seat, got out of the car and ingoring my mothers help. I also grabbed my bag and pushed it on one of my shoulders, carrying it inside, while walking with these damn crouches. They annoy me so damn much.

The moment i went inside, i made my way up the stairs and into my room. It was so difficult with the crouches, but i managed. 

I igonred everything my mother said and just went into my room closing the door behind me.

Well, i guess this is it.

I am back home.



Not me updating 😅

Anyways: I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Have a nice day/night!

Your A/N

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