Chapter 69

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It didn't take long for me to realise who was holding me. It was no one other than Toshi.

At first, i just cuddled into him, but then i saw the clock and it said 5:30 am. 

I jumped out of bed, waking Toshi in the process and started looking for my bag. toshi wasn't really able to notice what was going on because he was still so sleepy. After some searching and not being able to find my bag, i turned to Toshi. "Where is my bag?" I asked him.

"With Hoshi. Tendo brought it to her yesterday because i didn't want to wake you up. But what is going on?" He said, still completly sleepy.

"We've overslept. We need to be at the bus by seven and i need to shower and get ready and have breakfast and so much more. I gotta go." I said, completly paniking.

Toshi got out of his bed, while i put on my shoes, which i found next to the bed, and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey, it's fine, you have enough time. No need to panic like that. We will meet at the bus by seven, okay?" He said, easily calming me down.

"Yeah, okay. I will be there. See you then." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

I ran out of their dorm building and into mine and up the stairs until i reached my floor. There i ran to my dorm room and got out my keycard from my jacket, which i took with me from Toshi's room.

In my dorm, i was greeted by Hoshi, but i only quickly waved at her, while making my way to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower and afterwards finished getting ready. I put on clothes and then Hoshi and I went to get breakfast. I practically inhaled the food in order to be on time for the bus. 

20 minutes before we would leave with the bus, i said good bye to Hoshi and whiched her good luck with her games, which she then also whished me back. Then i walked to the bus, where i met Toshi again and we sat in the same spot as yesterday.

I got out my phone, for the first time today, i hadn't had any time for it before, and checked it. I had some texts from my brother and also Oikawa. What does he want this time? Well, i don't care. Not today. I didn't bother answering any of them, so i just shut my phone off again and looked out the window on our drive to the Gym.

After arriving and getting off the bus, i saw on the timetable, that we would play a little after Karasuno, so i would at least be able to watch some of their game. 

I told Toshi, where i was going, to which he just nod, and then made my to the pitch.

I walked up the grandstand and saw a family which were cheering on a guy on the team from Wakutani. I think we played against them once. He thinks he is like the new tiny giant. No matter what he thinks he is, they still weren't able to win against us.

At first the everything was fine, it was a good and quite equal game.

I realised from the side that Oikawa and Iwaizumi were getting ready on the next court, but i didn't care.

Then it happened.

Daichi and Tanaka both went for te ball and crashed together.

Tanaka wasn't that big injured, but Daichi layed on the pitch unconscious. He soon woke up, but of course was switched out and brought to the infirmary. I saw a girl running down the stairs of the grandstand wearing a hoodie from Karasuno. 

Who is that?

Doesn't matter.

Ennoshita was switched in and Karasuno managed to win the first set 25 to 20.

After a short break, the game continued, but Karasuno kept on falling behind because their way to play just isn't the same without Daichi. Ennoshita isn't bad, but he just isn't Daichi.

In the end, the lost the set 25-20.

Karasuno assembled around their coach and looked quite finished, not really sure what to do now. After a short break they went back on court and i couldn't help it anymore.

"Guys!" I yelled out and everone, even on the grandstand turned to me. "You can do this! Daichi may not be here but if he could, he would and he would through every single it of energy in this game. You know that he would not expect you to be perfect, but to make something out of the possibilities you have. You can make mistakes, but as long as you keep on learning out of them and not repeat them, you can win this! How do you want to go to the Nationals, when you stopp believing in yourself now? You are an amazing team and together you can win this. Daichi may not be here physically, but he is in every single move of YOUR game. He is with you every single second, so don't dissapoint him!"

After finishing my rant, everybody was still staring at me, but i could see in the eyes of the team that they were back on fire. Besides one. So i decided to add.

"And Ennoshita. You aren't like Daichi, that's for sure. You are diffrent and that's good. Because you can stabalize the team in a diffrent way and not the way Daichi already did. Keep this up and you will be able to win this!"

Now even Enooshita looked relieved.

I contiued watching the game and Karasuno played better, they had their spirit back. They were currently switching sides and the points were 12-13 in favor for Wakutani, but i was sure they would get that point back, which they did.

Then a yell echoed through the Gym.


I turned to the person, who yelled at me. Everyone was watching me again. Even the game was interuppted.

It was no one other than Tendo.

"Our game starts in five minutes." He yelled from the escalator. I was sitting a bit away from it, but i still can't understand why he is yelling. Even though.


I quickly grabbed my bag and yelled to the team from Karasuno: "You've got this!"

With Tendo i ran to our pitch, where my coach gave me a quick lecutre, but than the game already started.

We won 25-06 and 25-07.

During the second set i noticed my brother on the grandstand for a moment. He gave me a thumbs up and mouthed a 'thank you'. I knew, what he meant. They've won.

A gave him a smile, thumbs up and mouthed a 'no problem'.

After getting of the field, i went to my bag and got my phone and saw a message from my coach.

"Hey, girls. We've shortly got the oppertunity to play against the USA junior team, and we've decided to take it. The game will be tonight in the USA. It's of course day there than. Tomorrow you all don't have school. We will meet at 3 p.m. infront of the Gym. See you there."

But the final is tomorrow evening!



Finally, a faster update. And a longer one.

But anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.

I hope you have a nice Day/Night!

Your A/N

The Empress of the courtHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin