2. Wendy

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"Wendy... I..." her mom began. Wendy stared, almost emotionlessly into her eyes. At this point she didn't care. What ever her mom would say wouldn't stop the pain she was going to go through. "You... you weren't..."
"Mom." Wendy said. Her mom stopped and stared at her, tears running down her face. "You can save it." She snapped. "I already know why you did this. It's because I wasn't perfect like you wanted."
"No... it's not-" she began.
"IT IS I KNOW IT IS!!!" Wendy yelled back, cutting her mom off. "YOU WANTED ME TO BE LIKE ALL OF MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!"

Wendy was the smallest child (maybe a bit to small) of a family of twelve children. Everyone in her family had something that they were very good at, which made them famous and rich. But not Wendy. She could never really put her mind on something that she liked, or something she was good at. She'd wanted to be a game designer, then fell out of the hobby. She wanted to do volleyball, and got bored of it. She wanted to be a teacher, and then decided it wasn't for her.

Wendy knew exactly what this was about. Her mom decided that she was never going to find something to be successful in, and decided that the best choice was to take that ability from her. Or, she wasn't living up to her standards, and her mom was so embarrassed that she just HAD to sign the order because it would ruin the Fowler's family name.

"I just... I thought you were above that." Wendy said, before walking away with the cop. She didn't want to deal with her mom anymore. And plus, she had bigger problems. She still had to find a way to escape these handcuffs and get out of here. The cop forced outside and into the darkness of the night.
"I guess you just couldn't get your life together." The officer laughed as he pushed her into the back seats. Wendy groaned at that. She didn't want to listen to this ugly, stupid cop, who was just going to make fun of her the whole ride. "I can't wait to tell everyone that a Fowler kid is going to be unwound! Ha!"
"I'd rather not listen to a cop make fun of me the whole drive to my death." She replied to the cop, who, merely glared at her before going back to his whole speech.
"You just couldn't get your life together kid. I mean seriously, you were born into the Fowler family and you ended up getting unwound!?" Wendy wanted to punch this guy in the face. Especially since she could tell that even as a cop, he was a lowlife. She stared down at her hands, trying to figure out some way of getting out of these handcuffs. "Ha! You can't even look at me now! You must really be that weak!" Now Wendy ignored him. She'd rather tune him out then have a conversation with this guy. It made her think about whether all unwinds go through this very situation.

They made it to one of those spots where unwinds are loaded onto buses and sent to harvest camps. There were a couple of juvey cops standing around, holding unwinds by their arms, keeping them in place. Or to stop them from running.

"Guess this is your time kid!" The man said. Wendy ignored him completely, only staring down at her hands in cuffs. The cop got out of the car, and opened the door. Wendy quickly punched him in the face with the hand she had freed from the cuff. Her wrists and hands were so small that with a bit of force, she managed to get her hand out. The cop quickly grabbed out their gun, and pointed it at her. But she quickly dodged, and quickly punched him in the face, specifically in one spot, which made him pass out.

Wendy took a moment to check her surroundings. She could see the cops standing at the bus stop with the other Unwinds. She smirked, before grabbing the keys from the knocked out cop. She quickly pushed it into each one of the police cars tires, making sure to make herself unnoticeable. She hid behind the cop car she was brought in, and took a deep breath.

"RUN AWAY UNWIND!!!" She yelled. The cops took a moment to look at the unwinds they were grabbing, and when they realized they weren't the ones yelling, they quickly pulled them all to the cars, and stuffed them inside the back of one of them. The cops all got into their respective cars, and tried to start driving, but they didn't move. Wendy took the chance, opening the door to the back of the cop car and letting all the unwinds jump out. "Follow me!" She said, before she opened the door to the back of the cop car she was locked up in. They all rush in, as she closed the door, and jumped into the front of the car. She didn't know how to drive, but she didn't care. She did everything that she would see her family do to start it, and started to drive away, fleeing the scene with four unwinds in the back of the cop car, with no way of the others following.

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