23. Wendy

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Wendy stormed away from Irene. The popular girl always gets the guy, or whatever. It's just annoying to have to deal with a lovey dovey couple in a group of people who are trying to survive!

It really pissed her off. Plus, it just a had to be the popular girl. The one who always gets the guy, or whatever. She hated that trope with a fiery passion.

Wendy walked off into the forest. She didn't know where she was gonna go, but she wasn't staying here. She had to just take a break from this train wreck of a group she'd found herself allying with.

She walked around, occasionally stepping on a twig. Sometimes it was the crunch of a leaf. But it was calming. Wendy remembered sitting under the trees in her back yard, listening to them swaying from side to side. No other noises around. It helped her relax.

Suddenly, the sounds of sirens caught Wendy's ears. She stood completely still for a moment, before peaking through the bushes. She stared at the lake, surrounded with caution tape. She counted six cops. Most of them were looking around the tent and leftover duffel bag.

Then, Wendy realized something. She had to get out of here. As fast as she could. If she was caught, no one would be there to protect her. She was screwed.

Suddenly, she saw one of the cops turning towards her. Wendy's heart began to beat faster. Her hands were shaking. She could feel a single tear forming in her eye.

"Hello officers!" Someone said, pushing Wendy into the bush. She later there, staring up. After a moment, she looked to see Kanai standing where she had been. "How are you all today? Is something going on over here?" Wendy looked through the bush. All of the cops were standing there, staring at him. Suddenly, two ran forward and grabbed him by the wrists. "Oh okay! I guess this is happening now!"
"We've got one of the unwinds here." One of the officers said into their walkie talkie.
"Hey! I'm not an unwind!" Kanai yelled back. The cops looked at him, completely unimpressed.
"Listen up AWOL, tell us where the others are and maybe we'll let you go free." One of the juvey cops said, smirking at him. That was the kind of face that told people that if you do give them what they want, we won't keep our end of the deal.
"Listen up! I don't know what you're talking about. I'm going to assume you lost some unwinds down here, and even if I WAS an AWOL, why would I tell you?" Kanai snapped back. The officer sighed, and gave a motion with one of his hands. The two cops who had grabbed them started moving back to where Wendy was saved.

Wendy paused. He was going to be unwound now. But he wasn't even an Unwind! He was a regular person. His parents hadn't signed the order forms!

Wendy started crawling, until she couldn't hear anything from the scene. Then, she stood up, and sprinted as fast as she could back to the cave. Soon, she came back into the clearing. Irene and Kingsley were talking to each other, and Milo was sitting alone by a tree.

Wendy raced over to the bag, and began searching it. Pulling out some clothes, a can of white hair dye, makeup, hair cosmetics, shoes and colored contacts. She quickly got changed, dyed the end of her hair white, pulled her hair up into pigtails, put on mascara and lipstick, and slipped on her shoes. Then she stuck the colored contacts in, which made her eyes water a bit, but not enough to ruin the makeup. She had no idea what she looked like, but she didn't care.

She raced over to the wall, and started climbing. Slipping every once and awhile, but managed to get to the other side. She fell down, landing on the ground, before sprinting over to the bus stop.

What had she gotten herself into? Now she was on a solo rescue mission, for someone who she barely knew, and wasn't even an Unwind. It wasn't her responsibility to save this guy. But she felt like she owed it to Kanai. Sure, she could say the same about Irene, but she had a grudge to pick with her.

Finally, she arrived at the bus stop, the cop just barely pulling up in his car. Wendy slowed down, acting like she was just a regular citizen walking by. She approached closer and closer, before crossing the street.

"Hey, Kanai? Is that you?" Wendy faked. The cop glared at her.
"Listen up kid. Stop talking to an unwind!" The officer snapped back. Wendy stomped over to him.
"I don't know why you're holding my brother at this bus stop, but I will get my parents to take him home!" Wendy yelled back. Kanai had a big smile on his face, but she didn't care. She rolled her eyes.
"Oh yeah? What makes me so sure that you're not an unwind yourself?" They said, smirking at her. Wendy glared back.
"Anyone named Jayanna on the news lately? No? Well, I guess I'm not an AWOL." She replied. She made up the fake name on the spot. But she thought it was a cute one.
"How do I know you're not lying..." the cop said, staring her in the eyes. Wendy thought about it for a moment.
"Take us to the police station, and check for unwind orders. If neither of us have one, you have to let us go." She laughed. The officer, reluctantly agreed, putting them into the back of the cop car and driving to the police station. All the way there, Kanai was smiling at her.

They walked inside. She took a seat next to Kanai, who was in handcuffs. The police officer went onto his computer, and began typing something on the computer. Then, their eyes went wide.

"Ah, sorry, you're not an AWOL. You may go now." The officer said to Kanai, as he unlocked his hand cuffs.
"Yeah, it's fine. I probably would have mistaken it to." He replied, standing up, and walking with Wendy out of the station. They began wandering back over to the wall. "So, do you want me to call you Jayanna now?"
"Of course not! I'm still Wendy! You call me Jay in public!" She snapped back. Kanai laughed, seeming like he was none the wiser to Wendy's attempt at intimidation. She didn't knows how to reply to that. No one had laughed like that, at least not with anyone besides family.
"Hey, thanks for coming to help me." Kanai replied. Wendy scoffed.
"You don't have to thank me! You already saved me so why shouldn't I return the favor!?" Wendy yelled back. Yet again, he laughed. Her anger soon faded away.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say." Kanai giggled. Wendy took a deep breath in. "So, what do you think of everyone in your little group?" She paused, since she had never really told anyone her thoughts about them. But she thought it would be okay to tell Kanai.
"Milo's alright. His tantrums are kind of dumb." Wendy explained. "Kingsley, I know he's your friend or whatever, but he's dumb and stupid."
"Heh, okay." He responded. Wendy almost stopped and stared at him. She didn't expect him to say anything like that. She started focusing on what he had asked.
"Irene..." Wendy began. She stopped talking. This guy liked her. She didn't want to just be insensitive about it. She looked at Kanai, who was staring at her, before quickly looking away.
"Yeah, I already know your opinion on her." He replied. There was a moment of silence. "Can I tell you a bit of a secret?"
"Sure. As long as I'm not liable for letting it spill." Wendy responded. This, made Kanai burst out in laughter. She stood perfectly still, watching the smile on his face. But she wasn't angry. She thought it was cool that he was so chill with her. After awhile, he managed to calm himself down, which was right before they made it back to the wall.
"You know Kingsley?" Kanai said, looking at Wendy. She nodded. "Before he got amnesia, he had a crush on you."
"EW NO!!!" Wendy yelled, racing up the wall. He laughed, as she sat at the top.
"I'm being serious! He wouldn't shut up about you!" He laughed, as he quickly raced up the wall. Wendy rolled her eyes, and helped him down the wall. Then, they quickly returned to the entrance of the cave.

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