15. Lawrence

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"Mom... you can't be serious." Lawrence said. He stared at his mom, directly in the eyes. She didn't budge, as her eyes filled with tears. "Mom... I'm sorry, I can't comfort you right now. You REALLY messed up."
"But, honey-" she began. Lawrence raised up his hand, signaling her to stop. Everything went silent. He stood up, and walked out of the room.

Lawrence wasn't sure if he should be surprised or not. For one, he knew that this was something that was within his mother's ideas. But it was also a horrible option.

Lawrence took out a picture from his pocket. A picture of Wendy and him. Sure, he had a picture of him with all of his siblings in his pocket. But the fact that his little sister was going to be unwound gave him chills.

He paused for a moment before putting the picture back into his pocket. He walked out the front door, and shut it behind him. He got into his car, and turned it on.

"I'm gonna find you Wendy. Before any of this can go down..." He whispered to himself, before pulling out of the driveway, and driving down the road.

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