16. Juvey Cop

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He sat in his car, staring out the window. He had a cigar in his mouth, as he imagined the days before he was a juvey cop. Fighting crime against robbers, that type of heroic thing. But it all ended because they needed more people to take away unwinds. It wasn't the kind of image he wanted, but it was honest work.

"Alright, you ready to do the weekly check?" The other cop asked. He nodded, before getting out of the car onto the rocky path. This was the main spot where unwinds would show up, so it was a great area to find AWOL's. The cop turned on his flashlight, and dropped his cigarette onto the floor. Then, he began making his way up the mountain.

They pushed through the rough terrain, snapping twigs and ruffling the leaves. But they were following the path that they walked through the every time, so there wasn't much grass on the floor. The cop wondered whether there'd be unwinds this time. He tired to think about whether he heard about any escapes.

He recalled seeing something on the news about a Showcase Angel being unwound. He hadn't heard about an escape though. By now that girl must already be in a divided state. He didn't know if he should feel bad.

On one hand, this girl was being unwound so she must've done something wrong. On the other hand, it was a Showcase Angel. What could they have done wrong?

Suddenly, they heard a ruffling noise. The two cops stopped, and slowed down, sneaking through the bushes. They came upon a lake. Beautiful, shining water, clean beautiful trees, and a tent.

Suddenly, out came a boy. He had messy blonde hair, and big round glasses. The most surprising part is that he had a hospital gown on. The cops made direct eye contact with the kid. The kid seemed to be acting calm. But he knew that some unwinds can put up a convincing act. All in the need for survival.

The boy began sprinting. The juvey cop ran after him. He knew that the kid was trapped. There was a giant wall in the way, keeping the unwind right where he could be caught. The cop kept chasing, as the kid kept moving. Closer and closer he had gotten, pulling out his tranquilizer gun and pointing it at the kid, starting to pull the trigger and...

He fell flat down onto the floor. For a moment, he could see two other kids. A boy, his light blue clothes covered in blood, and a girl with a long white dress on. Suddenly, he realized that was the Weeping Angel from the news. The man indiscriminately pulled out his walk-in talkie, pulling it up to his ear and pressing the button.

"Three unwinds! Two boys, and the Weeping Angel!" He yelled into it, just as the kids turned around and he felt a needle enter his right leg. His vision became blurry, as he watched the kids look at each other, and began walking. Just as they went out of view, he closed his eyes, and passed out.

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