27. Kingsley

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He was alone. Back in his head space. Where he walks the endless road that doesn't open any past memories. The one he's forced to run through when he's alone. But now, he's found a memory. Buried deep inside of his mind.

"PLEASE!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!! IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!" A female voice sobbed. But he was seeing from their eyes. A man sat in front of her, staring at her floor, a shadow over his face. "I PROMISE I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!!! JUST PLEASE DON'T LET ME GO!!!" The man stood up, and began walking away. The person screamed, as they were dragged off. "NO!!! PLEASE!!! I CAN DO BETTER!!!"

Then he was quickly pulled out of the vision, and into another. Someone waking up in there bed, met with the faces of Juvey Cops.

"Hey! Let go of me!" They said, as he was pulled up out of the bed and dragged downstairs. Squirming for his life.

He was pulled away. Everything went black and white, going faster and faster. Images were quickly being shown, as they stared up at a blinding light. Each one, a painful blood curdling scream.

He could feel people, grabbing onto his back. Their yells and cries for help filling his brain. Tearing into the fiber of his soul, ripping it apart as if it were a weak piece of paper. And all he could do was watch the cloudy monsters before him.

He pulled his hands to his face, as he screamed. Tears fell down his face, as he fell to the ground. Fear and insanity creeping up his back.

"HELP ME!!!" He yelled, his voice being backed up by everyone of the shadowy figures, before-

He woke up, sweat dripping down his face. Momentarily, he looked around. It was still dark out, and everyone was sleeping.

He took a deep breath, calming himself down from the nightmare he had. He stood up, and wandered over to their supplies, taking a drink of water. Kingsley could feel himself trembling as he sat down. He took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. He could hear whispering in the back of his mind. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Another voice joined. Deep breaths. More voices.

He gripped onto his head, trying to stop the voices. But it quickly became overwhelming, as Kingsley's eyes became wet with tears. He shook his head back and forth. Nothing was working. Finally, he did it. He let out a bloodcurdling scream.

It all went away. Slowly, he pulled his hand down, and stared at it. Momentarily, there it was embedded with scars, before it was normal again. Fear filled his eyes, as he stood back up. He needed to tell someone. He walked over to Irene. He was about to wake her up, before she was shivering, and mumbling something.

"Please... I'll do anything..." she whispered. Kingsley froze up. Was she the person she heard in her nightmares? No, that wouldn't make any sense. Maybe he had just heard her, and it plagued his dreams. "I'll do better..." The words hurt his soul, and he could tell it was hurting Irene as well.
"Wake up! I'm here!" He said, shaking her. She quickly sat up, and stared at him. "It's okay. You're gonna be okay." Irene stared at him, before quickly pulling him into an embrace. He was hesitant for a moment, but accepted it and hugged her back.

Irene fell asleep a couple of minutes later, after he had calmed her down. But Kingsley didn't. He couldn't stop thinking about his dream. His must have freaked himself out with that story so much that he had a nightmare about it. But it was still haunting him.

He took a deep breath, and opened his eyes. It was morning. No one else was awake, but that was good. He could have time to himself.

"Hey! Kingsley!" Someone yelled. It sort of irritated him, but he was fine if anyone else was awake. It just happened to be Kanai though, holding another duffel bag.
"Oh, what's this?" He asked. He smiled, and opened it up. Inside was a case of water bottles and a bunch of snacks.
"Wanted to make sure you guys don't starve." Kanai laughed. Then, he paused, staring at the floor. "Hey... is it okay if I tell you something." Kingsley shrugged in response. He took a deep breath. "I don't wanna date Irene?"
"What!? Then why did you ask her out!?" He yelled back.
"You told me to! Plus, I don't think the right time to have a girlfriend is when... you know... they could probably die?" Kanai explained. After a moment, Kingsley face palmed, and slowly pulled his hand off.
"Go tell her when she wakes up, and then don't do that again." He replied. Kanai frowned, and put the bag down.
"You're breaking up with Irene?" Wendy interjected. Kingsley jumped back, from the sudden shock.
"Heh heh... yeah..." Kanai said nervously, his face a bright red. She stared at him for a moment, and then looked at Kingsley.
"Can I talk with you, privately?" She asked. He stood still for a moment, but nodded.

He followed Wendy into the forest. The leaves blew calmly in the breeze. It was soothing, especially since Kingsley hadn't had peace since he told the story. Then, she stopped.

"Why are we here?" Kingsley asked. Wendy turned around, a serious look on her face.
"I want to show you something." She said, before pushing the leaves a little bit. They were back at the lake, but it was surrounded in caution tape, and their stuff was gone.
"What did they do!?" He replied, as she dropped the leaves back down.
"This is where I was almost caught by juvey cops. But your friend happened to be there, and ended up getting captured instead." Wendy explained. Kingsley stared at her, unsure what her point was, but also wondering what she was talking about.
"What do you mean?" He asked. She rolled her eyes.
"Listen, I'm not gonna go into detail with this. But since we're setting up rules tonight, I'd like this one be given immediately." She replied. He didn't understand, but nodded. "If anyone is going anywhere, no matter what, another person has to go with them. I would be dead right now if it wasn't for people being there to protect me."
"Sure. I guess. But why wouldn't you just wait until tonight?" Kingsley asked. Wendy glared at him.
"Cuz I don't want to! Is that enough of an explanation for you!?" Wendy yelled. He stood still, and shrugged.
"Sure." He said, walking back to the campsite, her following behind.

As soon as he couldn't hear the leaves blowing in the wind, everything came back into his mind. The voices. The visions. The fear. It was enough to make him rush back into the safety of the forest, where it all stayed away. But... why? And... how did that work?

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