3. Kingsley

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Kingsley screamed, sitting up in bed. He quickly grabbed his head, crying, hoping it wasn't true. After a moment, he realized that his scream wasn't his own. Or at least, it didn't sound like him.

Kingsley looked at his hands. He didn't remember being skinny and pale. He didn't remember his voice being so high pitched. He didn't remember being in the hospital.

Suddenly, memories came flooding into his head. He remembered being shot in the face. It was an unwind, who was quickly knocked to the ground.

But he didn't understand that. He didn't think he had ever been shot in the face. But he took it as the truth, since it was probably the only way that he'd actually gotten into the hospital. Especially since some of his memories seemed contradictory.

He took a moment to look around the room. There was a tv and a remote. There was a bathroom a little ways away. There was a tube going into his hand, giving him blood (which scared him). There was a person in a hospital bed in front of him.

"You were really loud... but I guess that makes sense. Just please don't do that again..." they said. Kingsley stared, squinting his eyes at the kid. He suddenly realized that he needed glasses to see him, so he grabbed them for the desk next to him, and put them on. He looked back to the kid, who was Asian and had dark red hair.
"Who... are you?" Kingsley asked. His voice still seemed off to him. The other kid stared fro a moment.
"Kingsley, you remember me, don't you?" He replied. That name felt off to him. He tried to think back. But that memory must have been a bit to far to reach at the moment. Kingsley's eyes widened for a moment, but then went back to their normal size.
"Sorry... no not really." He replied. The kid looked sad.
"I'm your best friend Kingsley. We were at your fifteenth birthday party, and we were both shot by an unwind who came running through the backyard." He explained. Kingsley remembered being in his sixteens, but he guessed his memories were all puzzled. "You were shot in the head, and you took a lot of brain damage. So they had to replace it."
"Ah... that makes sense." Kingsley replied. He stared at the kid for a moment. "What's your name?" The kid kind of smiled, but still seemed a bit sad.
"I'm Kanai Shuichi. We met on the first day of school because we both liked the same girl. We're in a strings band, and we've always done homework together. We're not A plus students, but we've always gotten decent grades. Your full name is Kingsley Jacob Alvarado." The kid explained. He must have understood that Kingsley couldn't remember much.
"Thanks." Kingsley replied. He felt tears well up in his eyes, and wiped them away.
"You okay King? I can go get nurses if you want." Kanai replied.
"No! Don't! I'm fine." He replied. Kanai stared at him, a but confused, but shrugged it off.
"Hey! King! We could watch all of the shows we watched when we would hang out! You don't remember them because you have amnesia. I bet we could watch them again together!" Kingsley was a bit uncomfortable with it, but he understood that this person was probably just trying to connect with his best friend again, so he accepted. But he knew something was wrong. Very wrong.

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