47. Kingsley

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Kingsley sat up, rubbing his eyes. This was the first night he didn't have a nightmare. But he didn't have a dream either.

He took a deep breath, as he looked at his hand. It was shaking, much to his surprise. But he ignored it. He stood up, and walked out of the storage room. He stopped for a moment. Kingsley wandered over to the staff room. He slowly opened the door.

Everything was basically gone. The cupboards empty. The pile of clothes and blankets. The only things that were left were the weapons.

"Wow, you did this all last night while we were talking?" He asked. Milo walked up next to him.
"Yeah, we're ready to leave town after this whole thing." He replied.
"Hey... Milo." Kingsley began. They both looked at each other. "I'm gonna need you to be the diversion."
"I know that." He said. Kingsley responded by shaking his head back and forth. Milo stared at him, a confused look on his face.
"I'm gonna need you to..." he paused for a moment, taking something out of his pocket. "I'm need you to shoot it." His face went from confused to pure dread. Milo's hands began to shake. "Up in the air, to distract the guards. That's all you have to do."
"W- why do I have to do it?" Milo stuttered.
"Because you're the only one who knows how to use a gun that isn't our get away driver." He replied.
"I could use a sound machine! A baseball bat! My voice? I don't need a gun to make a distraction!" He started to panic.
"No. You can't. They'll see it isn't a threat." Kingsley replied. Milo's breathing began to be staggered and rushed.
"Please..." he said. Kingsley frowned.
"I need you to do this." He said. Milo stared at the gun in his hand. After a couple of seconds, he picked it up, it shaking in his hands as he put in into his pocket. Suddenly, he started hyperventilate, as he fell to the ground. His body shaking, and tears in his eyes.
"I don't wanna shoot anyone. I didn't mean to do it. It wasn't the intended outcome." Milo muttered to himself. Kingsley tried to help him up, but he continued, unfazed. "I was scared. I didn't want to lose her. I didn't want to. I was angry."
"Milo! It's okay! Stop!" Kingsley said, trying to pull him up again, to no avail.
"Please forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me-" He repeated that phrase over and over and over again. And Kingsley could only stare in fear as he had a panic attack.

He didn't know what to say or do to help him. Who was he asking for forgiveness anyway? He'd forgiven him, who else was left? He looked back down at Milo, who was shaking and sweating. What was he supposed to do!? How did they stop him before!?

Kanai walked into the room. His face was filled with surprise. But in the moment, he ran over and slapped Milo in the face. Really hard.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Kingsley yelled at Kanai. He stood there, confused.
"What do you mean!? I'm helping!" He replied. 
"No you just slapped him in the face!" He screamed back. He looked back over at Milo, expecting him to be balling his eyes out on the ground. But he stood, calm, with a giant red mark on his cheek.
"I'm really sorry about your face." Kanai said. Milo shrugged.
"It's fine. Wendy's slapped me worse." He replied. He looked at Kingsley, sending sadness through him.
"Hey, I'm sorry, you don't-"
"No, no. It's fine. Let's just go before I start thinking about it again." He responded, walking past him. They wandered outside, and got into the car. Lawrence sat in the front.
"Let's do this." He said, as the engine started.

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