51. Milo

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Milo walked out of the car, and stood in the open. Kanai stood in front of him. He pulled the gun out of his pocket.

His hand shook, as he stared at it. He looked over at Kanai, who nodded at him, and turned around. His heart began to beat faster. Images of that night flashed in his head. His breath became heavy. The memory of Kingsley laying on the ground, blood leaking from the front of his face. He remembered how angry he was... and then the fear finally setting in. He made a horrible mistake. Had... had his parents ever forgiven him?

He pushed through the fear. He pointed the gun in the air, and pulled the trigger. His hand flew back, and he dropped the gun. He started to shake, as his face went pale. He looked down to see Kanai... laying on the floor.

"No..." he whispered. "No. No. NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" He fell down, crying his eyes out. No words could express the fear and guilty felt. He started shaking uncontrollably, his eyes leaking millions of tears. He pulled up by the two cops. Suddenly, Kanai jumped up, hitting both of the officers to the floor.
"Good job! Now, all we gotta do is wait for Kingsley to get Wendy and Irene." He said. Milo's eyes were still dripping with water. He pulled him into a hug.
"I- I thought I had killed you..." he said. His body still shaking.
"I'm sorry. I thought you knew. I was gonna pretend that you shot me so the cops would take the threat seriously." He replied. Milo was still shaking, nodding.
"Hey, what did we miss?" Wendy said. Kanai smiled when he saw her.
"Alright, the other unwinds are going to follow us in the transport buses. Let's get in the car and get out of here." Irene explained. Wendy looked at Kanai.
"You're gonna have to stay here, since you're not an unwind. We'll return when we're all 18 though." Wendy said. She smiled at him. Kanai lost his smile, and seemed a bit sad. He must've been disappointed they had to leave.
"Yeah! I'll see you soon!" He replied.

They all got into the car, and started it. Driving off. They all waved to him, as he got smaller and smaller. Until he was out of sight.

This was it. They were free. They were safe. Milo stopped. Was Bridge in the group of unwinds? He smiled, knowing that it was probably true. Now, he felt at peace.

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