13. Milo

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"Hey, Milo! You could probably get out this way." A boy said. He had brown skin and short black hair. He walked up to the fence the guy was standing at. He sighed, and looked at him.
"Bridge, I'm sorry but that's not going to work." Milo said. He'd already given up.

He was stuck inside of a harvest camp. Been there for about a week. And today, he knew for a fact that he was going to be unwound. He'd given up any hope of ever getting out of the place.

Bridge was the kid he met on the first day he arrived. He was a music player. These kids were instructed to play an instrument on top of the roof, where kids are sent to die. They're guaranteed a longer life expectancy then any other kids at the harvest camp. Bridge would have days off though, because he would get easily tired. That's what scared Milo. His friend would probably be unwound because he couldn't play music every single day.

Milo didn't know Bridges real name. And it always confused him why his nickname was so weird. He said because it was funny, but Milo was convinced kids were making fun of him.

Bridge was a good person. He had no idea why he could've been sent to be unwound. But every kid has got a story. Bridge was very optimistic about getting out of "Magic Kingdom Harvest Camp". He'd constantly talk to Milo about how freedom was just beyond the fence, and that he'd be safe if he just got out. But Milo didn't believe him, whatsoever. He'd be tranquilized, and be unwound.

"Milo, you gotta have some faith! I think that you'll easily be able to get out of here!" Bridge replied. Milo frowned, and looked at the ground. "Please! Today is the day of your unwinding! Just try! I need to know that someone I care about can get out of this hell hole!"
"Bridge!" He yelled. Everything was silent. "I'm not gonna get out of here! I've already given up... so there's no point." That wasn't true. Milo was constantly thinking about how he had to get out. His mind had given up, but if his body had any chance of getting out he was booking it out.
"I don't care if you've given up! I haven't given up for you, so you shouldn't give up for me!" Bridge yelled back. Yet again, silence followed... before two juvey cops walked over. Bridge looked into Milo's eyes, pleading for him to get out.
"I'm sorry... I'm to scared." Milo replied. Bridge stared into his eyes, as he was dragged away. But right before he was pulled out of ear range, Milo heard the words of his friend.
"I hope to see you again, buddy."

Milo was pulled onto the red carpet. It was the road of blood and tears all unwinds were forced to walk on. He took a step. He wanted to puke. He took another. His mind was swirling. He took one more. He had to get out of here. Milo started kicking and flailing himself around, as he tried desperately to get free.

Milo screamed, desperate to find some way of escape. But his screams weren't heard. They were drowned out by the music playing on the roof. The realization hit him. The music wasn't there to cheer up the unwinds, it was there to muffle any noises they made on the way to death.

Milo was never strong, but he was sure that he could get out of the grasps of these juvey cops. He threw himself back and forth. But he was incorrect. No matter how hard he tried to move, he was going up those steps, to his death.

He was pulled through the door, and dragged into a room with a bunch of surgeons. There was a table with straps on it. Milo, before he was strapped down, managed to grab something. But he didn't know what it was. But he pushes it up his long sleeves, out of sight.  He was tied down to the table. One of the straps was a bit loose. He stared up, as tears fell down his face. He was hopeless. Hopeless. Hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless hopeless...

"Hello, you're Milo Frazier, right?" A woman asked. She had a mask over her mouth, and her brown hair was tied back into a bun. Suddenly, Milo felt a prick in his neck.
"What was that!?" He yelled. The woman smiled at him.
"That is the only pain you'll be feeling today." She replied. He started to panic. He had to free himself. He started shaking his body back and forth, trying to escape. "Honey, there's no use in trying to get out."
"What are you doing to me!?" He replied, as he shivered. The woman sighed.
"We're going to replace your blood with a oxygen substitute. Then, we'll take your organs one by one while your awake. We have to make sure that what we're doing will not make you lose your consciousness." That was the final straw. Milo's body moved as fast as it could, pulling out the scalpel he had grabbed from the table, and slicing through the three surgeons in the room. Milo freed himself from the straps, and stood up. There was blood, everywhere. He was shivering. What had he done?

He didn't pay attention to that. He ha for getting out of there. He sprinted from the room and down the hallway, jumping out a window and falling out onto the grass below. He stood up, and sprinted away from the building and out into the field. Momentarily, he looked back. He could see Bridge, waving to him. He almost got emotional, but had to stay focused. He kept running. He had to get as far as from that place as he could... to survive.

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