31. Lawrence

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He sat alone in his car. He put his hand over his face, everything silent. It had been two days since he checked at the harvest camp, and he hadn't found Wendy yet. Was he even going to find her? He looked outside, and sighed.

"Please... if you're out there... give me a sign." He said in desperation. But he knew for a fact that his little plea wasn't going to do anything.

He had parked next to the park. He was sort of hoping that if he would stay out there for long enough, he could see her at school. Not in real life, but in memory.

Something caught his attention, in the corner of his eyes. A cloaked figure, holding a basket in hand. He stared, completely and utterly confused. Then, it hit him. He'd heard about this before. It was called storking.

A parent, if they decided that they weren't ready to take care of a child yet, would leave them on the doorstep of a home. If they were caught, they'd have to keep the baby. But if they weren't, the home owners would own it. The only thing about it was that some people didn't want storked babies, so they'd repeat the process. This was very illegal, but nobody seemed to care. Sometimes, the baby would be passed around so much, that it would die.

Now, the only question was, should he catch that person? Or let them go free? He groaned, the thought being to horrible. The person obviously didn't want the baby, so why would he make them keep it?

He looked back at the house. The person was gone, the basket being the only thing in the porch. He sighed, and shook his head back and forth.

He looked out the other window. He stared in complete awe. Smoke filled the sky. He jumped out of the car, and raced over. Was this the sign he had asked for?

He walked in between houses... before he spotted something. Or someone. He slowly approached, realizing it was multiple people. One stood up, and got into a fighting position. Finally, he could see them. His eyes lit up, as he smiled.

"Wendy?" He asked.

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