14. Wendy

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Wendy stared at Milo, who was now crying. Irene looked like she was about to go one some comforting rant thing, and Kingsley seemed shocked. But for once Wendy actually felt bad for someone. At least to Wendy, he didn't seem like he was trying to gain any pity.

"I killed three people..." Milo whispered. "I'm a horrible person... why would I do that... it wasn't justified... I left my friend to die... I got out but he's still in there... I'm-"
"Maybe someday we can go back for your friend." Irene suggested. Wendy and Kingsley stared at her, almost disgusted.
"Are... are you serious?" Milo asked. He stared for a couple of seconds, before standing up and walking into the tent. Wendy shrugged, and stood up.
"Alright, I'll take the first shift." She suggested. She did this as a way to try and get them to trust her more. But she also did it because she didn't entirely trust them all yet.
"Thank you." Irene said, walking into the tent with Kingsley.

Wendy sat outside alone. She thought about everything that had happened. Mostly when she was trying to figure out what to do with her life. Her mom had always tried to pressure her into finding something to do when she grew up. Maybe that's why she never found inspiration. She was just to scared to decide.

But she didn't care at this point. From this moment forward, she was going to show everyone that she was the most competent Fowler. The rest of the family would regret getting rid of her.

Wendy paused, looking off into the distance. Something seemed off. She couldn't tell if the stars were just shining through the trees for a moment, until the light got brighter. She stood up, ready to run away.

But she paused. All the others were sleeping in the tent. She stared for a couple of seconds. She hated this group, right? So why wasn't she going without a second thought. Hesitantly, she walked into the tent, before backing out. She went over to the duffel bags, and pulled out a flashlight, some food and water, and then ran for her life. Sure, it wasn't dignified. But she wasn't going to be unwound.

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