18. Wendy

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Wendy ran through the forest. She was ecstatic, but part of her felt guilty. She started staring at the forest floor as she began to walk slowly. Why was she feeling this way. She had literally just met those people. And this was survival of the fittest.

But they were probably going to die now. And she was all alone. No one to help her. If she was caught, she wouldn't be able to call for help from someone she knew.

"I messed up..." Wendy said. She stared at her hand for a moment, before turning around. She started walking back in the same direction, before bumping into something. She slowly looked up... to see a juvey cop.

Wendy screamed, trying to run. But quickly, the cop managed to grab her. She flailed herself around, trying to break his grip. But it was no use. She was to small.

Part of her hoped that the group would hear her. Maybe come and save her. But she knew that wasn't realistic.

She was stuffed into the back of the cop car, and it was quickly locked up. Wendy stared at the handcuffs she had on. She knew for a clear fact that she could pull her hands through the like last time. But this cop seemed a lot more competent then than the one she had run away from the first time.

She looked back up, as a strange noise filled her ears. It was the sound of scraping metal, and nails on a chalk board. It hurt Wendy's ears, as she tried her best to put her hands on her ears. But they were trapped in the handcuffs, which she didn't want to pull them out yet. Especially since the cop would notice.

She looked up at the man. The cop pulled out a tranquilizer gun, as he got out of the car. Slowly, he walked over to the side, and bent down.

"WENDY WE GOTYA GO!!!" Irene yelled, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her out of the car. Wendy could barely stand up as they ran.

They actually came back for her. Wendy wouldn't have gone back if someone had done that to her. So the fact that they even considered it was enough to make her reconsider things, let alone being saved by them.

Wendy and Irene stopped running after awhile. She turned around to see Kingsley and Milo. She stared at them for a second. She knew she was getting some kind of lecture, but she accepted it with open arms.

"Let's find a place to rest." Kingsley said, pushing passed Wendy. She stood frozen for a moment, before turning around in a single moment.
"What!?" Wendy replied. Kingsley turned around, and glared at her.
"Listen, we don't have the time to be dealing with you right now." Wendy stared at him. She couldn't believe how disrespectful this guy was. SHE had done something and he wouldn't even so much as acknowledge what she had done?
"I don't care what you say! Whatever it is can be dealt with right now!" She yelled back. They stared daggers into each others eyes. She could tell that Kingsley was furious.
"You're mad at me!? You were the one who tried to leave us for dead!" He snapped back. Wendy was even angrier. This guy had little respect for other people!
"YOU CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER ANYTHING AND YOU'RE COMING AT ME!?" Wendy screamed back. She remembered that he had gotten brain surgery before he escaped. And that he acted in a strange way, like he didn't have memories. So she sort of assumed that he had amnesia. Everything was silent. The only sounds now were crickets chirping in the woods. Kingsley stared at her.
"You can't fault me for that. It's something I can't control. But you can control yourself, bitch." Kingsley replied. Again, silence was heard, along with crickets.
"Can we just find a place to stay for the night!?" Milo interjected. Everyone looked at him, but quickly stopped. Kingsley began walking off, and they all followed.

Wendy didn't know what to say. He was partly right, but she didn't care. Now she was at the bottom of the barrel. The scum on the floor. The dust sitting in the corner of the attic. There was no way she was going to be able to rise up to become the leader now. She pondered her thoughts, before coming up with a small plan. She smirked, as they came upon a cave, and rested for the night.

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