26. Milo

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Milo had messed up. He was so frustrated he told them what he did. He couldn't stick around. He had to run.

He sprinted into the forest, as fast as he could. He didn't know which direction he turned, but he didn't care. He could feel the fear of what he had done filling back into his mind. A secret he thought he could keep hidden away, but was quickly discovered... because he was angry.

He hid behind a tree, his body shaking. He stared at his hands, as they shivered and shook. Waterfalls fell from his eyes, as he wept. Why couldn't he have just been silent? Kept his mouth shut? Just because he wanted to protect himself, he had to be so stupid!?

He was alone. He was cold. He was scared. He was never going to survive. And most of all... he was never going to be able to gain their trust again.

He was lucky enough to have even found a group in the first place. Hundreds of other unwinds didn't have that luxury. And he threw it away because he was an idiot.

He wouldn't even be in this situation right now if he hadn't shot him in the first place. His life was perfect, and he had to go screw it up. After he nearly killed to kids at the party, his parents signed the unwind order. They couldn't have a crazy son going around shooting more people. But he knew that if he could go back, even before they signed the order, he would.

He remembered seeing the bullet fly directly into Kingsley's face. Then falling lifeless to the ground. He was shaking, the fear finally setting in. Blood leaking from his head onto the ground. And all he could do was watch and wish he'd never done it.

Then the screams began. The bloodcurdling yells for help. It scared him. So much so that he ended up pulling the trigger, and shooting another kid right in the leg. That's when he dropped it the gun, and the sirens got closer. He started to run, but it was no use. He was tranquilized... and passed out.

Milo tried to wipe away his tears, but more replaced the last. He could barely keep himself together, as he fell to the ground, his face centimeters from the grass. Millions of tears fell to the ground off of his face. He had messed up.

He should be dead. What he had done was unforgivable. Something no one would forgive him for. And it was justified.

"Hey... are you okay?" Someone said. Milo quickly turned around, fear in his eyes. It was Kingsley, blood on one side of his face and his glasses broken.
"GO AWAY!!!" Milo yelled, standing up, and ready to get up and start running again. Kingsley was the last person he wanted to see right now.
"Wait! I just want to talk to you!" He replied, grabbing Milo by the wrist before he could get away. He felt the deep anger rising back up, as he yanked his hand away, and tightened into a fist, raising it up to swing at Kingsley head.
"I forgive you!" Kingsley said, staring into his eyes. Everything was frozen. Milo's eyes began to tear up, as he slowly put his hand down.
"W- what?"
"I don't care if you've shot me before. Honestly... I can't thank you enough..." Kingsley responded, peacefully smiling at him. He was frozen, as he stared.
"What? Th- that doesn't make any sense! Why would you thank me for something so stupid!" Milo replied. Kingsley sighed.
"I was someone else before this. I don't know who. All I know... is that I did something horrible in a past life. Or rather... someone else did it. It's... scaring me." He said, as he stared off at the sky. Milo couldn't understand what he meant, but he didn't want to know. "Why did you shoot me though?" That question nearly killed him. But he pulled it together.
"You..." he paused. "You kissed my girlfriend on prom night... you took credit for all of my work... and you made fun of me relentlessly." Milo replied, as he stared at the floor. Tears began to stream down his face again.
"Ah... I see. I'm so sorry." Kingsley paused, and then looked into Milo's eyes. "Just so you know, I won't let that happen. This is my second chance at life. And all I know, is that I'm not gonna screw it up." He walked away, leaving him alone again. But it was more like being left alone to think. To understand.

Milo could tell that whatever he had done to Kingsley never hurt him. In fact, it made him stronger. Which made him feel weak again. The most stupid thing he had ever done, had shot him. All because of anger... and a girl. Who... had been unwound before the incident.

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