44. Lawerence

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Lawerence looked at what was in front of him, completely and utterly petrified. The safe house... surrounded in caution tape and police officers. His hearts started to beat faster and faster every second.

His sister... was gone. And all the other unwinds he had taken in were with her. Now, there was only one place to look. But... would he even be able to get in?

He got into his car, and started to think. What was he gonna do? He stopped.

Kanai was the answer. He remembered meeting him at the record shop. He was the only one who wasn't an unwind. So he had to be at his job... right?

He started driving. Arriving at the parking lot a minute later. He parked his car, and raced over to the record shop. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He started pounding on it, trying to see if anyone was inside. He watched Kanai run up and open the door, and open it. Lawerence walked inside, as he locked the door. His spirits lifted, as he looked to see Kingsley and Milo staring at him.

"You guys are safe! Oh thank goodness!" He took a moment to look back and forth. He was a bit confused. "Where's Irene and Wendy?" Milo looked away, as Kingsley stared at him empathetically. Tears started to form in his eyes. "No..." he fell onto his knees.
"It's going to be okay." Kingsley said, reaching out his hand to Lawrence. "We have a plan, and we need you to help us." He stood up, and looked at him with a confused expression on his face. But happily accepted.

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