42. Irene

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Irene's heart was pounding. The juvey cops had found their safe house. They were going to be captured if they didn't get out of there.

She looked to the boys. Kingsley seemed to be panicking. Taking deep breaths of air. Kanai had his eyes closed. Like he was thinking about something. But on closer examine, she could see that he was shaking. They needed someone to divert the cops attention. But that meant... being caught. But... did that really matter... if everyone else got away?

Irene slowly walked down the stairs, towards the door. Her heart began to beat faster. But she had already made her decision. Tears started to fall down her face as she slowly opened the door. She looked back up at Kingsley and Kanai, who both stared at her.

"Go..." she whispered, as she walked outside and closed the door. She put her hands up in the air. The lights blinded her, as she looked around at the many cop cars and police that darted the scene.
"STATE YOUR FULL NAME!!!" The cop yelled into a speaker. She could have lied. But either way, they were going to figure out who she was.
"Irene Penelope Weber." She said. One of the cops looked a bit surprised, before saying something to his walkie-talkie.
"Search the house. We have to make sure there are no others." The cop said, before all the officers pushed passed her to get inside.

She stared at the ground, blank faced. This was how she was going to die, but at least she was saving everyone else. A cop put hand cuffs on her, but she willfully followed. Quickly, she was stuffed in the back of the car.

This was the same as before. Being shoved in the back of the car. Losing all of her hope of ever escaping. Part of her still thought she could. She did it before, she could do it now. But the more she thought about it, the more it seemed impossible. The only reason she had escaped the first time was because had driven the car directly into the one she was trapped in. Honestly, she was lucky sh even got out the first time.

Suddenly, the back of the car door opened. Irene swiftly looked up, as the fear struck her heart. She watched Wendy being thrown into the back next to her. Her spirit sank as tears filled her eyes.

"Let me out!" She screamed, as she banged on the window, her hands being tightly handcuffed. She tried to pull her wrists out, but it was clasped around them.
"Wendy!" Irene said, she started crying. She looked at her with an angry expression on her face.
"Oh stop crying, it's dumb-"
"WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE JUST GOTTEN OUT!?!" She cried, as big tears fell off of her face.
"Oh you shut up! You're here too!" She yelled back.
"I did it so you guys could sneak out the back! And now..." Irene could barely contain herself.
"STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE SOME HERO!!! I DON'T NEED YOU TO WATCH OVER ME ALL THE TIME!!! I'M NOT AN INCOMPETENT MESS LIKE YOU!!!" Wendy screamed. Irene stopped, and stared at her for a moment, as she started to uncontrollably sob. She looked out the window, away from her. Stopping herself from looking at Wendy.

She was right. She was incompetent. She was a mess. She was an unwind. One who couldn't do anything right. Because right now, she was trapped in the back of a cop car. And everything had been her fault. She tried so hard to be perfect to gain her parents approval. And she didn't even do that right.

The car started driving. Overtime, the crying stopped. But she still felt depressed. They weren't getting out of here. Especially since they were being taken directly to the harvest camp. Not even to the bus stop, just brought directly there.

Irene didn't know how much time had passed. She didn't really care anyway. Did that even matter at this point?

She was pulled out of the car by a Juvey Cop, and quickly brought her over to the bathroom. They gave her a long white dress. Like she had been given originally. Irene slowly walked into the bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror.

She had dry tears on her cheeks. Her eyes were halfway closed, and looked dead. Her face was a bit red from the crying. Worst of all, she had a migraine.

She couldn't be sad though. This was her decision. She's the reason that she was in this mess. So she wasn't allowed to feel sorry for herself. She was at fault.

She pulled on the pure white dress. It reminded her of the days when she would stand in front of crowds in pretty clothes. Staring at her in awe. She paused. She was a showcase Angel. Someone to stare at, because they're supposed to perfect. Yet, here she was. Sent to be unwound.

She wandered out of the bathroom, handing the clothes to the Juvey cop. Irene followed them. Knowing that she was going to be taken to some crappy room with millions of beds and no hygiene. But... they walked right past that. Irene stared at the cop, completely confused. They walked to a door, and slowly started to open it, revealing...

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