40. Wendy

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Wendy sat, staring at the TV. She could still see Milo in the corner of her eye. Staring directly at the wood table. Was he insane?

She didn't fully trust the guy. Everyone else is acting like the fact that he's shot someone isn't "that big of a deal", but everyone knows it is. Wendy wasn't an idiot, or hadn't classified herself as one. She was cautious around him. He could snap out of nowhere, and leave them to die.

But she couldn't say anything about that. She tried to do that once before. But it backfired, and now she was still here. With this little group. One girl being a showcase Angel, a boy who lost his memory and is very delusional, and a boy who's murdered three people. And then there was her. The small rich kid, who rebelled against her peers. And she didn't really care about that. She was just glad she was alive.

It turned to Monday. That day, they baked chocolate chip cookies with Kanai. He had a homemade recipe, and apparently wanted to grow up to be a chef or something. But he's gonna give up on his dreams for some reason. Wendy didn't understand why, but she didn't want to ask.

The next day was Tuesday. They decided to play chess the entire day. The group wanted to get their skills up a bit with decision making. Irene won every single game. It made Wendy really mad enough to stomp out of the room.

Wednesday. Milo started having another panic attack, and locked himself in the bathroom for about an hour. When he came out, nothing seemed to be different. Except something did seem to be missing. She just couldn't tell what it was.

Thursday. Everyone went into town that day. Wendy had to watch Elizabeth. She didn't know anything about babies. Most of the day was spent running around trying to figure out what they wanted. When everyone returned, Wendy went upstairs and passed out on her bed.

Friday came by.

"I'm taking Elizabeth to live with me." Lawerence said, holding the baby in his arms. This house had been rented for us specifically, so he had a home of his own.
"Wait! Why?" Irene said, running up to him. She seemed worried, and sad. Wendy could hear the thunderstorm outside.
"I think it would be safer for you guys in the house if there wasn't a baby. That way, their won't be much noise." He replied. "Me and my girlfriend can just say we got storked. It's no big deal." Irene seemed a bit disappointed. She sighed.
"Okay..." she said, as he left the house with the baby in his arms.


Wendy stared at the ceiling. Kanai was here, talking with Irene and Kingsley upstairs. Something about how they're all friends and can trust each other.

She wondered what she was going to do today. Everything was really boring at the moment. Hopefully something would actually happen today. Suddenly... she heard sirens.


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