17. Irene

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Irene watched from the bushes with Milo. He carried a giant stick in his hand, as they stared at the lights approaching from the trees. Suddenly, a cop walked out into the open. That was the que.

Kingsley walked out of the tent. The two of them stared at each other for a moment. Suddenly, Kingsley ran towards them. The cop foolishly followed, as they made there way through the the forest. Just as the juvey cop pulled out a gun, Milo swung the branch and knocked him to the ground. They lied there lifeless, as the dropped the tranquilizer.

"I'm glad that went well." Kingsley said, picking up the tranquilizer. "Thanks for not betraying me, unlike that little bastard."

Wendy had run away. When they needed her the most, she ran away. The only reason they managed to get out of that was because Irene was wide awake. She remembered hearing her stand up, and search the bags, before running away. She frantically woke them, before coming up with a plan. That worked flawlessly... which she found surprising.

"Three unwinds! Two boys, and the Weeping Angel!" The cop yelled. Kingsley quickly turned around, and shot him with the tranquilizer. In the mans hand was a walkie talkie.
"We have to hurry. There's gonna be more of them soon, and I don't think we can deal with that right now." Irene suggested. They all looked to each other, nodding, and heading back over to the campsite.

They quickly took everything they could that could help them survive. Rope, canteens of water, flashlights, batteries, the tranquilizer gun, etc. As they collected their things, Irene couldn't stop thinking about how what Wendy had done. Sure, it seemed like something she'd do, but Irene thought she wanted to convince everyone she was nice. What made her abandon them like that?

"LET GO OF ME!!!" Someone screamed. In a matter of seconds, she realized it was Wendy. Kingsley smirked.
"Good riddance." He said.

Irene stood frozen for a moment. She was in trouble. She knew that Wendy was a bad person, and it's what she deserved... right? She left them all to die... so why couldn't she do the same? No, if she did that, she'd be the same as Wendy. And she wasn't going tolerate that happen. Irene dropped everything, and sprinted away.

"IRENE!!! LEAVE HER!!! IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!!" Kingsley yelled. Irene couldn't care less if it was worth it or not. She wasn't going to let someone die because she walked away, not again.

The guy from the Juvenile Detention center, Philip Burton, had changed her for the better. He didn't do it on purpose, but Irene now couldn't stand the feeling of leaving someone behind. Especially since now, she could go through the very thing that he went through. And if she could prevent that feeling from happening to anyone else, she was gonna grab onto it.

Irene stopped running, as she stared from behind some bushes. Wendy was flailing around in the arms of a juvey cop, who stuffed her into the back of the car. Irene paused for a moment, before slowly approaching the car, to save Wendy Fowler.

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