37. Irene

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Irene sat up, waking up from her nap. She hadn't slept like that in a long time. Maybe it was because all of the stress she had on her shoulders. Or maybe it was the fear of being caught.

Slowly, she got up and went to the door. She slowly opened it, to see Kingsley walking down the hallway. She smiled at him, as he looked over at her. His eyes were filled with fear and shock. Irene immediately tried to go over to him, but he raced back to his room. The door slammed, as she tried her best to open it, but he had locked it.

"Kingsley what's wrong!?" Irene yelled, trying to push through it. There wasn't reply. "Please open the door! You can tell me what's wrong!" No response. She stood there, and stared at the door. After a moment, she sat and leaned back on it. "You know, I'm usually scared all the time. I constantly look at things in the wrong way, and overthink a lot of things. I can't change that about myself. But... you've helped me a lot on that journey. I'd love to do the same for you." She smiled, as she closed her eyes. Suddenly, the door started to open. Kingsley was there, fear still in his eyes, but he seemed to be a bit more calm. She stood up, and walked into the room.

Kingsley sat down on the bed. He grabbed onto his head. He seemed to be thinking about something. He took a deep breath.

"I- Irene... I need your help." He said.
"Of course! I'm here to make sure everything is okay." She replied. He gripped onto the blanket, and shook his head back and forth.
"This isn't going to help me emotionally." He responded, looking her in the eyes.
"Then I won't do it!" She said, standing up and crossing her arms.
"Please... Irene." He stood up, and looked at her with sadness in his eyes.
"No! I'm not going to make your sanity any weaker!" She yelled back. He sighed.
"If I don't move for a couple of seconds, don't try to wake me up." He replied. She started to get mad. Why should she do anything he said!? It was just make things worse for him!
"No! I'm not going to do that! I'm not going to be responsible for you losing your mind!" She screamed. She looked back up Kingsley, who was frozen in shock. "Hey, I'm sorry for yelling at you... I just..." she paused, as she looked down at the floor. She looked over at the baby, who was sleeping peacefully in its cradle. "I just don't want anyone to go through the unfortunate life I had." She looked back up at Kingsley, a smile on her face. He was still standing still, his face frozen. "Hello? Are you okay?" She walked over to him, and was about to grab him by the wrist. She stared for a moment. This is what he was talking about. She started to panic, knowing she had to stop him. She grabbed his shoulders and shook him around a little bit. He yelled, as he fell to the ground. "Kingsley, what's wrong!?" She reached out for his arm, but he pushed her away.
"I'm fine!" He said, standing up and smiling at her. But it was obvious that he was faking.
"What did you see?" She asked, looking at him with a sad look in her eyes. He sighed, and sat down on the bed.
"It's... it's not important." He stuttered. She walked over to him, and stared him in the eyes. She sighed, and gave a weak smile.
"If you say so. If you need me, you know where I am." She said, walking out of the room. She wandered back into her own.

Had she brought back some horrible memories? Was she the cause of his pain? To think of it, was she the reason everything was wrong? Had she need the one who made everyone fight?

She stood up, and started walking out of her room. Kanai came running down the hallway, a glass of water in his hand. He quickly waved to her, and then face planted on the floor. Quickly, Irene helped him up. The water had spilled on the floor, and his nose was bleeding.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" She asked. Kanai nervously laughed, as he held his hand under his chin so the blood wouldn't get on the floor.
"Ha ha, yeah I'm fine." He responded. She looked back at Kingsley's door, and then to Kanai. She sighed.
"Here, let's get this all cleaned up." She said, walking him downstairs into the kitchen.

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