36. Kingsley

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Kingsley stared at the baby, as it slept peacefully in the cradle. Honestly, he didn't know how to take care of one. Or, so he thought. Apparently he was so good that right after he fed her she passed out.

Was he ever peaceful, he wondered. The vague images in his mind never helped him figure that out. Everything in his mind was a form of torture. At least, that's what it appeared to be. He could tell that some made him feel happy.

"Look who we brought!" Wendy yelled. Kingsley walked out of the room, and down the stairs.
"Hey!" Kanai said, giving him a high-five. "This is so cool! You gotta show me your room!"
"Um, sure, I guess." Kingsley replied, walking back upstairs. He opened the door, to reveal a small room with a bed, next to it a cradle.
"Never fancied you to be a baby guy." Kanai laughed, as he looked at Elisabeth.
"I'm just taking care of her while Irene is sleeping." He replied. Suddenly, Kanai stood completely frozen. He slowly turning around.
"So wait... are you telling me she was pregnant this whole time?" He asked. Kingsley's face became a bright red.
"What!? Why would you say that!? Of course not!" He yelled back. Kanai stared at the ceiling for a moment, holding one hand on his chin.
"Oh! Do you know what I just remembered?" He asked. Kingsley face palmed, as he shook his head back and forth. "I can't believe I didn't say this sooner. It's really funny how you thought I had a crush on Irene!" He paused, and looked up at him.
"Yeah, I thought that was really funny. I don't think I told you but you liked Wendy before you got amnesia, and we met because we had a crush on the same girl..."
"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON WENDY-" Kingsley screamed, Kanai quickly covering his mouth.
"Shush! She could hear you!" He replied. He couldn't grasp onto the idea. He did remember in his memory of his birthday party that he had a crush on Wendy before he met Vita, but he never really thought about it.
"Then why did you ask Irene out!?" Kingsley whispered.
"Because you told me to!"
"Well don't listen to me!"
"You guys are weird." Wendy said, surprising Kingsley again, him jumping back.
"God please stop doing that!" He replied in a moment of anger. Kanai looked at him, a bit worried.
"Did you hear anything we were talking about?" He asked. Wendy shrugged her shoulders.
"No, not really." She replied. Kanai sighed in relief. "Was it important or something."
"I don't know." Kingsley responded. Wendy glared at him, before rolling her eyes and walking out of the room. Kingsley looked back at Kanai, who looked very embarrassed. "You need to get your life together." He nervously laughed in response.
"Yeah, probably." He said. Then, he smirked. "What are your thoughts on Irene?" Kingsley stared at him, the image of Irene in his mind.
"She's perfect. You know? The person everyone wants to be." He replied. Kanai laughed in response. "What? What's so funny?"
"Nothing, it's nothing." He responded. He put a hand over his mouth, trying to contain his chuckle.

Kingsley froze. Back into his headspace he went, staring into a mirror. A girl, covering her mouth as she cried. Her eyes were blanked out. The girl curly brown hair turning on the water and splashing her face in it. It got all over her, as the makeup started to smudge. She wailed, as she fell to the floor.

"Darling, we've got you've got to go to prom in an hour. Get ready!" A guy said. The girl seemed scared, standing up as she slowly walked and shivered.

"Kingsley! Are you okay!?" Kanai yelled, shaking him around. He was pale and shivering. That took a lot out of him. "Here, sit down. I'll go get you some water or something." He ran out of the room. He grabbed onto the blanket, clenching it as much as he could. What... was that.

He couldn't feel his legs. Whatever he saw, it made him more scared than he'd ever been before. He stood up, and walked to the mirror. He didn't want to try it. But he had to try. He needed to know what else was going on.

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