45. Irene

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"We are all here because god blessed us with the gift to save so many people." One kid said. Irene gave a weak smile, as the kids talked about how their lord and savior gave them a great gift. And all she could think about was how sad it must have been to know you were going to die, you're entire life.
"My friend went into a divided state, and apparently his heart was given to a firefighter who saved a baby from a burning building."

Irene ignored the many things the Tithes were talking about. She was mostly looking at the room they were in. Nice carpet floors, painted walls, a SOFA. It was like living in a rich home. But this one was designed to trick tithes into thinking that being unwound was a good thing. That it was a blessing.

And here she was. Pretending to be an Angel that was sent down here to to help save the lives of countless people. Apparently, to religious people, showcase Angels were sent to earth to show how you should behave. She felt horrible.

Pretending to be someone you aren't. To think of it, was she ever her own person? Had she been faking everything her entire life? But this was different. She was pretending to be something to get little kids killed. Even if she stopped pretending, these people would still continue to believe whatever they wanted.

Every day, she'd follow them around. Nodding to every thing they said. Agreeing with them for every word.

Every day started off with a walk to the other side of the harvest camp, where there was a beautiful cherry tree. Tithes were never allowed to look at the Unwinds. But Irene always found a chance to glance over at them. Trying to find Wendy's face in the crowd. But she never saw her.

She felt guilty. All these regular unwinds like her were in a literal dump, and she was living in luxury. But they were all going to end at the same place. On a surgical table.

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