4. Milo

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Milo ran. No, he sprinted. He was horrified, he was petrified. He had to get out of here. If he didn't who knows what they'd do!? Wait, no he knew what they would do. He shouldn't be asking that to himself.

Suddenly, he tripped, falling to the forest floor, and rolling down the hill. It quickly injured him, but he didn't feel it. He could feel him hitting the ground over and over again, but he didn't feel the pain.

He smashed down to the ground, and he lay there for a couple of minutes. Unmoving. He sat up, and put himself upright against the a wall.

He could tell what it was. It was one of those walls that stop water from getting into the town when rain flows. It would bring the water down to a nearby lake. But for now it stayed as his resting point, because he couldn't move very much. He couldn't tell why though.

Suddenly, he heard the sounds of sirens approaching, before zipping by. It scared him, because he knew they were looking. He knew that if they got him, they'd continue the process. The process of unwinding him. Honestly he had no idea how he had gotten out. All he knew is that he managed to grab something sharp, and the rest was history.

His memories were fuzzy. His heart was beating at the speed of sound. He had blood all over him, head to toe.

He could feel himself crying. Crying because he didn't know what to do. Crying because he didn't know what would happen next. Crying because... he knew how they unwound these innocent people.

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