34. Unknown

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They stared at the ceiling. He was acting all tough... but he was scared. Alone, left to die.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." The person said. The guy was angry. He didn't want to deal with this on his death bed.
"Shut up. You can go to hell." He replied. The woman frowned at him.
"Whatever you say honey." She responded. "It'll just make your experience worse."

His heart was pounding. His hands were sweaty. He was horrified. He tried to pull himself out of the straps.

"Don't do that darling, or we'll have to tighten them. Just look at me." She said. The kid didn't care, and kept wiggling around to free himself. The woman sighed, and began to tighten the straps, until he could move very much.
"You're all demons!" He yelled. She nodded, taking a needle and sticking it into his neck. "What the fuck was that?"
"That was the only pain you'll be feeling today." She replied. He groaned, and gave up. He looked up the light above his head. The woman put some sort of oxygen mask on him.
"What are you going to do to me?" He asked. That seemed to make her smile.
"We're going to replace your blood with an oxygen substitute. Then, we're just going to slowly make our way through it. But don't be sad. You're going to give to save so many people." She explained, a smug smirk on her face. She was trying to scare him.
"I've probably killed more people then you think I can save." He laughed. He wasn't being very serious. Sure, he was a bully for most of his life, had assaulted some kids, and robbed a gas station, but he wasn't a murderer. But she took that way more serious than he had anticipated.
"That's why you're being unwound darling." She said, smiling. He glared at her, trying to figure out what her problem was.

Three other surgeons walked into the room. They had all different types of medical equipment in their hands. They were about to cut into him, before the lady pulled his face back up.

"Look at me honey. You're going to feel a bit of pressure on your legs, but that's normal." She explained. And just like she had said, he felt something at his feet.
"Wait, stop!" He cried desperately. He tried to move... but he was frozen. The only things do was speak and look around with his eyes.
"Do you have any regrets?" She asked. He glared at her.
"I regret not killing myself before I had the chance." He replied. She sighed, and shook her head.
"Good for you." She said.

He looked at the clock. It had been an hour since he was brought in here. The lady kept talking to him. It kept his mind off of things.

"Time?" One surgeon said.
"Good. We're ahead of schedule. If we hurry we could probably our part done early enough to watch a movie."

He was frustrated. These stupid surgeons were having the time of their life, while he was on his death bed. It made him furious. It made him angry. It made him... scared.

A new group of surgeons came in, and the others walked out. He could see them taking bloodless organs and putting them into jars. He started to panic again.

"Look at me honey." She said forcing him to stare at her face. He groaned again.
"Why can't you guys let people live their lives?" He asked.
"It's just the law kid." She explained. That answer didn't satisfy him. Suddenly, everything hit him. He was on his death bed. He was scared. And there was no turning back.
"Alright, you won't be able to speak now." The woman said. He state he do panic. He had to get everything out.
"WAIT!!! PLEASE TELL MY PARENTS-" his voice was cut off. The woman walked out of the room.

He couldn't speak, or even open his mouth. He wanted to cry, so badly. But no tears came to his eyes. He was alone.

"Did someone take out the vision yet?" Someone asked.
"Getting it now."

He couldn't see. But he could hear the gruesome things going on. He wanted so badly to cry. He wanted so badly to cry.

"Taking out auditory functions."

Now he couldn't hear. He tried to sniff. Nothing. He tried to open his eyes. Nothing. He tried to scream. Nothing.

He was left with his thoughts.

Please! I want to live!

Please! I can change!

Please! Give me a second chance!

Give me a new life so I can be happy! So I can be free!

So I can be... perfect...

What was I thinking again...

I can't...

He was lost.

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