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"Why do I feel like someone as planned on asking me a tons of questions?" He said rubbing his chin. I stood their smiling sheepishly. "Come sit and ask me what ever you want." I sat beside him and asked...........

Disclamer: -

This chapter is purely out of the author's


Y/n's POV

'Ummm......how old are you guys?'

"More than a century maybe I stopped counting when I was 176"

I jumped from the chair knelt down and bowed for him giving my respects, 'Grandpa bless me'

He pulled my ears and made me stand up which made me hiss in pain, "You brat, don't you dare call me grandpa I'm still young you know, I'm the world wide handsome you know" And he gave me a lecture about his handsome face as I sat their waiting for him to stop and he finally did.

'Bro, you stopped finally. Can you tell me about your kind. I mean  give me a detailed information about vampires'

"Where to start? Okay we are called vampires"

'Oh I learnt a knew thing' I spat, sarcasm evident in my words.

"My kind is know as blood suckers. We do survive by drinking blood but we don't completely depend on it we have gotten used to eating human food. Only the first borns were depending purely on blood but as time passed by we have adapted to feed on human food. And we as in the vampires of this kingdom don't drink human blood we feed on animal blood."

"We are older. Way older than you think the oldest vampire that ever lived is 98 centuries. The royals, they have the power to extend their lifespan they also have the power to end their lives."

'And why don't your visuals change you look so young?'

"Umm..... We vampires stop aging around 25 years old maybe and we look the same as we looked in 25 during our 300 years also. We don't die due to natural causes until we are killed"

'What about your pupil's color? I have seen them turn red.'

"About the color of pupils, each individual has a different colored pupil for example brown, black, hazel and many more. Eyes of a vampire turn red when they are thirsty and when they feed. But there is an unique feature about the eyes of a royal."

'What's so different about their eyes?'

"The eyes of a royal, to be accurate the color of the pupil depends on their emotions."

'Wowww, it's so cool. What are the colors?'

"Red - as you know while feeding off, Golden - if they look at something they are fond of or something that is close to their heart or anything that is precious to them, Orange - when they have over exhausted themselves or when they are injured and are about to die, Deep blue - when they are filled with lust and lastly a very dark shade of black when they are in fury, if their eyes turn into this shade believe me it's the last day of their opponent."

'Oh, damn.'

'What about your canines? They grow longer then they usually are.'

"Canines, they elongate while bringing out your vampire form and also while feeding this helps in connecting to the veins of the prey and sucking of the blood."

'Ohhhh, okay.'

'Wait, what about the tales where you have wings like a bat but large enough, you are dead, you rest in a coffin and come out at night, you sleep hanging upside down is that all true?' I asked out of sheer curiosity.

I really wanted to know if these were all a tales or just a stack of lies.

Jin collapsed on the floor laughing. He laughed and laughed up to his heart content. Tears came up to the brim of his eyes.

"Oh my poor baby sis", he cooed at me pinching my right cheek.

"Do you believe in all these y/n?  They are just bullshit that people went on creating in the name of vampires. We vampires are living creatures and creation of God like you humans. Our story is almost similar to Adam and Eve but still different. God created Adam and Eve for resemblance of good on the other hand he created Dracula for resemblance of sins. Dracula our ancestor lived for many years and impressed the god by his knowledge, compassion and other qualities. So, after being impressed by the Dracula he awarded him with a partner to share his life with called Lilith. She was the most beautiful creation of God. Dracula and Lilith fell in love and their children were called vampires."

"This is how the vampires came into existence. Dracula and his children had the power to fly but they didn't have wings. As the vampires mutated they lost their ability to fly. Hence, we don't fly now."

"As you see I'm too comfortable in sleeping on my king size bed. We don't sleep hanging upside down."

'Mhmm....quite interesting' I said nodded my head.

"Are you done with your questions?"

'Yeah for now'

I woke up from the chair and started leaving the room when I stumbled on the carpet and pushed Jin's favorite flower vase to the ground.

"Youuu...... I'm not gonna let you go" He shouted as I ran to my room downstairs.

I hope you all enjoyed it 🤩

Vampires are quite fascinating😍

Stay tuned for the upcoming chapter ☺️

~Softaellure ✨

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