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"They went to check the borders didn't Taehyung-shi tell you", she questioned.

'Ah-ah he notified me but I forgot. When did they leave?'

"An hour ago"

I responded with a sad oh.

Taehyung's POV

We stepped into the woods which would lead us to the borders. As we were only heading to inspect the borders we didn't take any soldiers along with us which was beyond risky yet here we were in the middle of the woods. All our senses were ten folds sharper making us more cautious.

Time skip~

The sun burned in sky making the day hotter but cold winds from the forest evened it out. We sat under a tree after inspecting nearly one half of the forest.

"Water", Namjoon asked as I nodded my head taking the pouch from his hands. Gulping half of its content I closed my eyes feeling the sweat need trickle down my forehead and wetting the collar of my shirt. I heard the a rustle making my eyes burst open and look around. No one appeared in my sight.

'Hyung, do you hear something?'


'Try and listen again', he nodded his head closing his eyes. And when he shot open his eyes I knew he heard them too. He nodded a yes at me making me clench onto the handle of sword. We stood up swiftly pulling out our swords amd paying intense attention to the sounds.

Author's POV

The crushing of leaves now heard more clear. When they marched a little forward towards the sound a person fell from above the tree landing on his feet and marching towards Taehyung. Taehyung was swift in his movements has he slid his sword inside the persons body making a huge wound. The person fell to the ground. But when he was about to put back his sword back he saw more people encircling around them. Taehyung and Namjoon nodded their heads as they ran against opposite direction but were soon to switch their positions confusing their enemies.

Sounds of swords clashing against each other made the birds fly away from the branches of the tree. Namjoon and Taehyung moved forward as their swords pierced into enemies making them fall ground and blood flood from their wounds. They released a sigh of relief dropping down on the ground with a thud. Their breathing uneven from the combat.

Taehyung turned around to his hyung to ask if he was injured. He saw his arm bleeding with a large wound. He tore a fabric from his sleeve wrapping it tightly around his hyung's arm supressing the bleeding for some time until they reached the palace. "Thanks Taehyung", Namjoon said with smile plastered on his face.

"Hyung let me send the soldiers a message", he said lifting himself of the ground to send a smoke signal. Little did he know that there was a group of men waiting to attack on them sneakily. When Namjoon was asleep on the ground exhausted. The men captured him covering his mouth and getting a hold of his limbs. Namjoon was held back tightly and pulled in to the woods but his eyes widened when he saw few of the men marching towards him with shining swords. When they were a meter apart Namjoon managed to get Taehyung's attention by screaming his name.

And the greedy men found their chance when they caught Taehyung offgaurd as he turned his head to Namjoon's voice. The sword was driven into Taehyung's chest making him stumble on his feet. The man pulled out the sword pushing it back near his stomach. Blood gushed out from Taehyung's wounds making him weak. With all his strength he pulled out his sword making it cut the men in front of him as his eyes started turning black from anger. He marched towards Namjoon with high speed. He killed men who held his hyung captive. Namjoon was freed, and he fought with the rest of the men.

After slaughtering all the men Taehyung fell to ground with his closed. Namjoon pulled him onto his lap and his hands pressed on the wound of his chest to stop the blood. He tore apart his Taehyung's shirt wrapping it around his wounds. Taehyung's eyes were turning into a shade of orange alerting Namjoon of the serious injury. Namjoon carried Taehyung on his back to leave the forest.

Half way through Qucia's army had found Namjoon. The took back Taehyung to palace hurriedly.

Y/n's POV

'Eonnie don't laugh at me', I complained as I she couldn't stop herself from laughing her ass off at my flower garland.

"Y/nie do-do......you even call.......that a Garland? You have just..........tied the thread to a .......", she couldn't complete the sentence as she broke into a new fit of laughter.

'Ahh.......Eonnie', I whined at her softly hit her shoulder. "Alright... Alright I'll stop, come closer I'll teach you how to make Garland".

Time skip~

I showed her my Garland as I successfully learned and made one with a lot of efforts. "Y/n you are fast learner, aren't you? It looks beautiful. Why don't we go for a walk in garden I feel numb after sitting for so long". I nodded my head. We took a stroll in the beautiful garden and stopped by near a bench for a cup of tea. Though I am a coffee person I loved the variety of teas made in Qucia.

Haneul began speaking when a maid rushed over to us she stopped gaspimg for air as she placed a hand over her chest. "My lady.....", "Okay breathe and calm down first", eonnie said. After she calmed downed she said, "The-the king. He-he is severely injured".

I felt my heart beat increase at her words. My breathing became ragged as panic filled me. I rushed to find Taehyung. The maid followed with eonnie. The maid guided us to the room where Taehyung was treated. The doors were closed as Namjoon stood outside it. 'Taehyung....taehyung what happened to him?', I asked gasping for air due to the run. "He was wounded in the combat the doctors are treating him" 'I want to see him', he nodded letting me in. Tears formed in my eyes making everything blurry I bit my lip to supress myself from making noises which would disturb the doctors from treating him.

1.82k!!!!!! seriously thank you lovelies. This extremely grateful for such response even when I don't upload frequently.


With such a response I'll try to improve my writing and lastly I request you guys wait for a few months until my exams are over so that I can update daily and complete thus book. ✨🌷✨💜✨


I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😍

Is Taehyung gonna be alright?

Stay tuned for the upcoming chapter ☺


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