Entering the World of MHA

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Sitting on your bed scrolling through TikToks you accidentally scroll down from the top of your screen showing that it's the year 2022. You sigh knowing that after the pandemic things have never really felt the same. You flop down on your bed and face the ceiling wondering when things will become different.

Looking at your phone for the time, you get ready to go to sleep. Once settled into bed you drift off thinking about the world of My Hero Academia.

More specifically, a certain blond with anger issues.

Katsuki Bakugou.

As you open your eyes you're surprised to find yourself outside, leaned up against a wall. Embarrassed, you looked down only to find that you're in one of your favorite casual wear with a bag of clothes for what looks like a trip to the gym. You go to ask someone where you are, but they look at you confused and just shrug. Feeling a little deflated, you look around searching for anyone that could help.

Then that's when you see it. A curly greenette boy that resembles Deku. You make your way to the boy, only to see him go through a gate where you had come from. Looking at the gate more closely, your mouth drops at seeing the UA logo that you're all too familiar with.

Unable to think you chase after Deku. You're within reach of him as he starts to fall, and you go to help him, but stop yourself, remembering the Uraraka was supposed to get him.

Seeing that she helped him, you nervously approach the doors hoping to catch someone who can speak english. Walking through the doors Ectoplasm hands you a test and it's all in japanese, at least you presume it is.

"Uh, do you happen to have an English copy? I don't know any japanese. The little I do know is not of any use currently," you sheepishly ask, forgetting that he might not understand you.

Ectoplasm frowns a bit at you, but gets Cementoss to cover his spot for him. He waves you to follow him. You follow a bit nervously, but feel pleasantly surprised when you're led to another test taking room with other foreigners. "Did you fill out the paperwork beforehand?" Ectoplasm grabs your attention.

A bit startled, it took you a bit to process his words. "No, sorry, I didn't. Am I able to now?" you ask with an awkward expression filling your lips.

Ectoplasm just wordlessly hands you a lamentanted English and regular Japanese paperwork to fill out. Handing you a pen, youI fill it out in time to be seated. When it asked which course you were applying for you rushed and put down the same as Shinso had. Considering you didn't feel confident that you could make it in the hero course. Besides, you really didn't want to mess with the storyline you know that much. They also ask about your quirk, and you instantly wrote unknown.

As you look at the entrance exam it feels easy then you remember how UA is a high school. Which makes you wonder how they'll take the fact that you're technically a junior in America. You flip through to see if they have a history portion, which thankfully they don't. It's just a watered down ACT test.

Once the timer starts you fly through the answers, and go up to the sniper hero and hand it in a bit nervously. Looking at the timer you released you only took 20 minutes to finish the test. Therefore Sniper called Nezu to personally check your score. There's a noticeable tension as Nezu comes in and skims over your paper. He looks over to you and back at the paper. He asks for something, and you quickly gather that it's my paperwork.

After a few painstakingly long moments, Nezu puts your paperwork down. "Miss (L/N), You have little to learn here through our general studies. So why is it that you've selected that as an option?" He asks, making me realize how dumb the idea was.

"I panicked and put it down, knowing I might not make it into the hero course considering I don't know what my quirk is, or if I have one at all," You blurt out the words, not really thinking.

Nezu thinks for a moment, before coming up with an idea. "How about this, if you're unable to get into the hero course, you'll become my personal student. If you do get into the hero course we'll work out a special course registration for you," Nezu offers, making it hard to decline.

Your mouth drops open as soon as the thought of being Nezu's personal student enters your mind. You remember that he's looking for a response, so you vigorously nod your head. He gives a rather cute smile, reminding you of his mouse-like features. "Good luck with the hero exams, I expect something interesting to manifest," Nezu comments.

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