Let the Show Begin

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"Oi! Idiot, get up," A voice streams into your ear, causing your eyes to crack open. You're a bit startled to see scarlet eyes, which causes you to snap your eyes wide open and sit up straight. Your mind is flooded with yesterday's events. You sigh heavily, before climbing out of Bakugou's bed.

You thank him, and bow before leaving his room so he can have privacy. Your hero costume shifts so you're wearing presentable clothing as you reach your arms up to stretch. A yawn follows shortly after.

Feeling a little drowsy, you make your way over to the kitchen to make yourself a glass of water. You hear activity in the kitchen, and you presume it's Mitsuki, so you're surprised to see Bakugou's dad. "Oh, hello Mr. Bakugou, I don't think we've formally met," You decide to introduce yourself with a smile.

He seems startled since you arrived fairly quietly, or at least what he's probably used to. "Hmm? (F/N) (L/N) right? I've heard a lot about you through Mitsuki, even though Katsuki talks about you from time to time," He acknowledges you and you simply nod in response. "Oh! My name's Masaru Bakugou," He introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you sir," You say, bowing a bit.

"Oh no need to bow, I'm just making breakfast. Anything you'd like? I know Japanese breakfast may not be as appealing as some of the food you would have in America," He politely hosts.

"Ah no, that'll be alright. I don't tend to eat breakfast normally anyhow," You explain, trying to brush off his concerns, though he just begins to look at you with concern.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you should really try and make an effort to eat something for it," He explains, a slight frown evident.

"I'm aware. I've been trying to get better about it, but it's been a habit of mine for a long time," You explain, knowing that your main motivation would be Kurama.

"Then start by eating with us, and you know Mitsuki and Katsuki will be on your case if you don't," He rationalizes with you, causing you to sigh.

"One of the traits that people tend to overlook due to temper," You comment, getting a small laugh out of Masaru. You smile, moving to try and figure out how you could be of assistance. Though you feel completely lost looking at the foregein cuisine. A part of you starts to freak out a bit, making you step back a few feet and blindly reach for the counter behind you.

"Woah! Watch out!" Masaru warns, but it's too late, you feel the sharp pain of a cold sharp cutting knife dig into your hand. Wincing you carefully extract your hand washing it and cleaning it with soap. "Stay here for a moment I'll go get the first aid kit," He tell you, putting his hands out to emphasize for you to stay put.

"I still think I'm experiencing a cultural shock," You sigh, "I should've just asked. But nope! I had to just try and figure it out for myself. This is why your dumb (F/N)." You mutter to yourself, a little tired of yourself. Yet you know that you've got to use your powers for the greater good. To try and limit the crisis ahead.

Masaru comes rushing back, allowing you to relieve the pressure you've been maintaining on the wound. It's still bleeding, but not nearly as bad as before, thanks to Kurama's chakra. Masaru is taken aback a little, but he returns to tending the wound. "Thank you, I should've been more careful," You apologize, bowing your head.

"I'm just glad you're okay. I can't imagine how your guardian would react if we had to inform them that you had injured yourself severely in our care," Masaru brushes it off, bringing up an entirely different topic.

"Ah, right... my guardian. I'm sure I'll be alright by the time I see my guardian next," You tell him with a smile painting your lips. Especially since there was healing ointment used on the cut.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now