The End

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In the morning, you woke up before sunlight even crept through. You got up and felt a sickeningly thick sense of danger. Stumbling a bit, you head to the bathroom where you suddenly start to cough up blood. At the sight you start to tremble, having flashbacks to the last time you started to cough blood. Nothing adds up in your mind as to why it's occurring either. Yet at the same time, all you can think is, "Not now, not today! Please please please let this go away." And as if your internal prayers were heard, you don't feel as sick nor have the urge to start coughing.

Your brows wrinkle in confusion, but you don't question it and decide to drink some water to feel better. As you drink some water, all you can wonder is why did you suddenly start coughing up blood? Was there something about your quirk that you still didn't know about? You glance at the time again, debating if you should get medically checked to see if there's an actual issue with you or not.

Clutching your head, you feel a wave of uncertainty that you can't seem to shake. Just what is your quirk? Do you fully know? Part of you started to wish that you could have your questions answered. You let out a heavy sigh, not sure what'll happen. To distract yourself, you decide to cook food for everyone while listening to your music.

While cooking, you feel a spike of pain in your wrist as you move a dish and you wince. Examining your wrist, you feel confused at what's happening. Yet, you have no way to figure out answers. A frown tugs at your lips, but you continue to make food. Katsuki joins you after a while, and you somehow manage to time your cooking to when everyone starts waking up. Though, everyone woke up early out of anxiety for today.

And you don't have any room to try and get them to ease up when you're facing problems that're making you feel concerned. A thought then clicks, what if it was from over using Yota's jutsu to erase yourself from so many people's memories. It was possible since you didn't really know the limitations of the jutsu, but Yota did die at a young age while protecting their clan. You frown a bit at your carelessness. It was not necessary to erase yourself from the revolution, yet you went ahead and did it.

While mentally scolding yourself, your head spikes in pain and you curse the side effects of your quirk. Taking a deep breath, you tell yourself that you're not in pain, and that you'll be just fine to fight today. That they need you on the front lines today. At the thought, you start to feel better again, and let yourself relax. Remaining positive, you manage to ignore the few spikes of pain here and there. Katsuki looks at you, seeming to pick up on something being wrong, yet all you do is give him a reassuring smile.


As you look off at the city full of people all on the ideal of supporting the revolution, you know that you should lead the charge. Mainly because you can deal the most damage on your own, and wear them down quicker, allowing the following waves to provide you with the chance to recover. Taking a deep breath, you connect with Kurama and join into link mode. Soon after you create a monstrous amount of clones before sending them all in to attack, the original hanging back with everyone else to cue when to go in.

Some susanoo's start to pop up, and their panic is audible from here. You feel a little bad, but there isn't much else you can really do. Though it's clear that everyone watching is astounded by your capabilities, even the ones who already know that you're strong. "Move in, they're on the brink of exhaustion, this should serve as a good time to capture everyone," You state to which everyone nods, all armed with quirk-canceling handcuffs, and multiple of them at that. Everyone has specific targets, ones that'll be difficult to manage with their quirks, and the ones that are less troublesome are to be knocked out.

Just as everyone was about to go in, some of your clones get knocked out, and finding the reason why, you pale a bit. AFO, himself, has appeared. And since he never went against All Might after rescuing Katsuki...he's not weakened enough to be struggling. You tried to prevent people from advancing, but it was too late. You had to act quickly and set up a barrier. Suddenly you double over and clutch your stomach. You manage to not cough up blood, and thankfully no one seemed to notice your action either.

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