Offically a Hero

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Ringing interrupts your and Kirishima's training. Figuring it's your alarm, you call it a session, teleporting the two of you outside of UA before teleporting to Aizawa's alone. "I'm back!" You call out to avoid uneasiness. Clattering can be heard from the kitchen, and a responsive grunt from the couch. Looking to the couch, you see Aizawa looking at something on his phone. You don't catch much as he turns off his phone and gets up to face you.

"Looks like you've actually returned at a reasonable time. Was starting to wonder if I'd need to call you to get you to arrive in time for dinner," He states, a little gruff, but obviously tired. You just smile, knowing that he'd prefer minimized sound. "Make the progress you were hoping for?" Aizawa inquires after taking a sip out of a mug that you didn't notice before.

"I made good progress, but also got roped into helping someone else train," You recall your time from when you separated from Aizawa and Shinso.

"So how'd training with Bakugou go," Aizawa jumps to conclusions, to which you feel a little awkward.

"It was actually with Kirshima, he wants to make sure he has good control over his quirk. Seems like my kidnapping caused something to stir to want to improve," You explain, feeling awkward at the fact you seem to give most of your attention to Katsuki. Not like you mind the fact, but it becomes problematic when people assume that you'll only hang out with him instead of others.

"Oh, just thought Bakugou would've been the only one you'd cut your own training short for," Aizawa comments, to which you feel like you need to clear the air.

"I helped train Shinso, didn't I? Wouldn't that be considered as digging into my personal training time? Anyhow, while it's important for me to improve my capabilities, I also need to help the people around me improve. That way, if I need help, I know I can rely on them," You defend yourself, causing Aizawa to look at you surprised.

He chuckles for a moment before smiling, "Bakugou I presume?" To which you become flustered but nod. "Guess he does have admirable traits in order to help persuade your stubborn self to open up and trust others," Aizawa comments before heading towards the kitchen. You smile to yourself, Katsuki really has helped you a lot. You remind yourself to thank him when you next see him.

You lightly laugh as you imagine his reaction to you randomly thanking him. Knocking yourself out of your thoughts, you focus on helping with food. Though it's just being brought out, so you sit down at the table, patiently waiting. After eating, you take the dishes and clean them while waiting for your turn to freshen up before going to sleep. By the time you lay down, you're fairly tired and find yourself slipping into a peaceful darkness.

The sound of cabinets wakes you up, to which you grumble. Though you feel thankful you got a good night's rest, and that your insomnia no longer seems to present. You get up and help present Mic since you weren't able to last night. He carefully directs you while doing his own thing. After finishing your tasks, you admire how well Present Mic was able to multitask.

Pegging it down as something as something for you to try and see if he can teach you, you refocus on some other task you can help out with. You eye the coffee pot, seeing it hasn't been started yet. Seeing that the food was going to be done soon, you start the pot, knowing it'll summon Aizawa. You set timers for the day to assure you eat lunch and dinner at a reasonable time, regardless of where you decide to eat.

Bringing dishes to the table, you settle down, knowing Present mic will bring out the rest, or call for help if he needs it. You also take the time to mentally go over what you want to try and accomplish. So far you're not planning on helping anyone else, but can probably fit two healthy training sessions for someone. Maybe you'll reach out to Katsuki to see if he wants to train his quirk with you, though he'll probably ask about why you're not training.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now