Mission Inflitrate (Success)

271 9 4

You stand alone. On top of Hawks agency as requested, holding the business card in your hand. The ticket to get you to be a part of the Liberation Army for this mission. Taking a deep breath, you tap in the numbers before pressing the call button and bringing it to your ear. It rings for a while before the person's voice sounds on the other end. "I'm interested in joining that club you were talking about. I want to meet other people who share my opinion," You state, and when they question what opinion it is that you have you simply respond with, "That everybody should be able to do what they can to help. By any means necessary."

Your voice is resolved and sound. Having a sense of maturity to it, making it seem like you've thought it over continuously. The person on the other side is silent for a moment, but you could practically hear their smile. They give you a location to meet at, and warn you about a test to see if you're what the club is looking for. Though you know that it's to test how strong you are. If you'd be an asset to them in defeating the pros. You respond with confidence, considering there's currently nothing that you're aware of that could hinder your abilities.

Heading to the location, your eyes quickly glance around, curious as to what will happen. You're not really familiar with many of the people in the Liberation Army's forces so you're practically in the dark. But you are curious about how you'd hold up against the leader since Shigaraki hasn't taken over. You recognize the person who extended the invite, but you're surrounded by people you're unfamiliar with.

"If you want me to display my strength over my quirk...all of you feel free to attack me at once. You'll quickly be able to determine my worth," You state, as it also lets them know that you're sharp and confident in your ability to hold your ground. As they look at each other, it's clear they're wary. Though in the same token, they seem to underestimate you. "If you won't make the first move, I will," You state, making clones of yourself before having them shift into Shikamaru, and catching them all in the shadow technique.

They're all terrified at being unable to move, and you quickly sigh in disappointment. "I suppose I should've expected this... just a little disappointing that you didn't put those quirks that we should be proud of to use," You slightly taunt them, a challenging smirk on your lips. A few get angered and go to attack you, but you simply switch with the person in the back of the charge at the last moment.

"Now if we're done playing...did I pass the initiation?" You question, calm and composed as they stumble, trying to figure out what just happened. Though all look at each other, seeming to agree that it'd be foolish to pass up on a person as skilled as you. But they hit you with the fact that you need to still prove yourself to the person that's in charge of all of this. Your eyes widened in surprise as you didn't expect this to happen.

But they state how you've gained publicity after being kidnapped by the LOV, as well as orchestrated a controlled plan of attack against them. While that can be viewed as a very valuable skill, it does raise questions about your true loyalty. And how the boss is a good judge of character, as well as able to pick apart someone's lies. The news is a little unsettling, but you're not afraid. The worst that happens is that you take on the liberation army then and there.

Still, you managed to get it arranged to where you meet him today. While it's surprising how quick this all is happening, it's kind of a relief to get it all out of the way. They blindfold you, just in case you don't meet the expectations. But it's not like it does anything considering you can use Byakugan. Though you don't, simply to maintain a level of trust. Time passes by and you feel the car pull to a stop, they have you remove the blindfold to minimize suspicion, and when you get out, you recognize the town. It's the one that the LOV practically destroyed in their test to prove themselves to the Liberation Army.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum