Yet Again, Met a Future Classmate

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"Kid," You hear someone say, but can't quite place it. "KID!" The voice snaps you awake.

"What?!" You grumble, tiredly rubbing your eyes open. "She left, you can go back in, also some guy walked into the house, he looked troubled," You can distantly tell it's Kurama communicating with you. It gets you wide awake, and you take a moment to register his words.

You drop down in front of the door, which causes Aizawa to whip the door open, hand on his scarf. Seeing you, he eases down, but you see the anger in his eyes. "Why'd you go off on your own like that after fainting like that!" He instantly scolds you once the door is closed behind you.

"Oh c'mon sensei! I wanted to train! And I was fine, I didn't need to sit around for another few hours for no reason!" You defend yourself. He has a surprised expression on his face, which soon leads to confusion.

"You're not shifted," He comments, as if voicing why he's confused.

"I stayed shifted as one person for a while, causing me to develop the personality into my own," You start, and are about to tell him about Kurama, but think better of it. He frowns, thinking of something, but won't say anything else.

"Just don't be reckless next time," He says, and you give him a look like that ain't going to end up happening and he knows it. He just sighs and heads to his room. You at least consider making something for Aizawa, but as you open the fridge you sweatdrop. You've never cooked with some of these ingredients, making it difficult to even whip something simple up.

You didn't want to ruin any of his ingredients, so you decided to hunt down a sitdown restaurant that allowed you to have takeout. Finding a place, you try and think of what to get Aizawa and frown at the nothingness that returned to you.

After a while of staring at the menu, you found something for yourself, but are still struggling to find something for Aizawa. You then get the idea to shift into him, and let his personality steer you in the right direction. Shifting back to normal, you tell the waiter your order, and to give you the second order as you are leaving.

They nod in understanding before walking away. You find yourself unsure of what to do, so you decide to chat with Kurama. "What're you doing here?" Kurama asks, as you're in front of the gates.

"I've got nothing else to do while I wait, so I might as well talk with you," You tell him.

"Well you've got a visitor, so it looks like you will have something to do," He tells you, which makes you feel upset.

"Alright, well see you later Kurama!" You pull together a smile to flash him.

Your eyes open, and much to your surprise you find Denki across from you. "Hey there, what's a girl like you doing sitting alone?" He asks in his flirty behavior.

"Getting food for me and my guardian since he's gone off and taken a nap. Besides I've caused him enough trouble, the least I can do is get him food," You inform Denki, not sharing the fact that your guardian is Aizawa.

"Sounds rough, what about your parents? Where are they?" He asks, and your face falls as you once again think about your family.

"I'm from overseas, so I'm not able to communicate with them. But it was my choice I wanted to attend UA," You tell him with a smile covering your emotions. His expression says that he feels like he shouldn't have asked. But he lightens up when he hears about UA.

"I actually got accepted into UA, I'm even in Class 1-A!" He exclaims, nodding over to where you see his mom who is not really paying attention to Denki, "We came here to celebrate since my Mom's not busy today."

"That's great to hear! I'm also in Class 1-A," You tell him, matching his bright smile with your own. You guys talk for a bit until his food arrives, and he returns to his table. Shortly after your food arrives.

You eat quickly and politely, continuing to use the Japanese traditions that you're aware of. You feel mainly grateful that you know how to use chopsticks properly. As you finish your portion, you quickly understand why Naruto always seems hungry. He's essentially got to feed Kurma as well. Though the portion was pretty filling, you decide to get food to Aizawa.

Just means that you won't be able to skip meals anymore. "Jeez Kurama, you're actually going to make me take good care of myself," You mumble, knowing he can hear you, just hope that no one else hears.

"You should be doing that anyhow, not just for my sake," He comments, and you lightly smile.

"Yeah, I should be, but somehow I believe that it's better to save things for people who are less fortunate than me," You think this time around, not intending to actually tell Kurama this.

"Kid," You hear him sigh. Looks like your thoughts aren't going to be private anymore. You're not sure how to feel about that. The waiter comes with Aizawa's food after you settle the bill. Thanking them you head back and slowly open the door.

"Where'd you go this time?" You hear Aizawa's voice from the kitchen.

"Ah, I got us food as a sort of apology for being so difficult earlier," You tell him scratching the back of your head. You see him look over at you and the bag in your hand. He sighs, and you hear clattering as he probably returns the items he planned on cooking.

You hand the bag over to him, causing him to look at you sternly. "I ate already, it was a sit down, it was the only way for me to get well cooked food for you," You explain, as you head over to your bag to grab a change of clothes.

As you change, You notice the seal on your stomach, giving you mixed emotions. You're glad you have Kurama with you, but you also feel upset that he's been essentially forced to be sealed inside of you. But you know you need to have boundaries set with Kurama, so he doesn't destroy everything, and essentially help the LOV.

"Kid, I know I've got anger issues, but I think you may be able to help me calm down. We should probably work on that though just so we know we can handle an intense situation," Kurama tells you and you nod.

You cover the mark, knowing that it'd raise questions from Aizawa if he noticed it. And you'd rather not lie. "You've got a good heart, it showed when you were shifted into that one person. Eri I think is the name you thought of. Though if you want to go and save her, I'm sure we could handle the situation on our own," Kurama tells you, and you look yourself dead in the eye, acting as if it was him instead.

"Kurama, it's too risky on my own, even if we defeated all of the people, there's a chance we wouldn't be able to get to her in time when they escape with her," You say, your voice firm and unwavering, but also loud.

"(L/N), is everything alright?" You hear Aizawa call out. Responding with a quick yes, you finish changing, walking out into the living room. Grabbing your dirty clothes and putting them with the rest of your other ones. You'll have to figure out where you can do your laundry pretty quick here. You're running out of the clothes you found packed in your suitcase.

"When you fainted, were you able to hear us?" Aizawa suddenly asks, which takes you by surprise.

You bow your head a bit, but come clean, "I could, and while I can't give you a straight answer to your belief, all I know is that I believe what I know. Though anything is possible, heck I could've gone into a coma and this entire conversation isn't real." Your tone isn't nearly as cheerful as you feel like it should be.

"But hey! At least I can make the most of being around you guys!" Your smile surfaces, pushing away the negative. Aizawa just looks at you, not sure how to go about the situation anymore.

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