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"I'm going to head out, don't plan on me eating here," You inform him, as you start to head out of the kitchen. At this point it's obvious that you took his reaction hard, but you needed to have a clear head. After all, Hawks would have a reason for that kind of response. You just teleport to the mall, wanting to pick up a shift.

Throwing yourself into work, you ignore your coworkers trying to get you to go on break. You just wanted to keep working, wanted to keep your mind off of everything. The door chimes, and you politely greet the customers, not really registering who it is. "(F/N)! What're you doing here working?! Don't you need time to recover?" The customer worriedly addresses you.

Blinking a few times to focus on the owner, you realize it's Mina. You bat your hand, trying to dismiss her concern. "I had plenty of time to recover, besides, I can't stay still for much longer or I'll go crazy," You inform her, knowing Naruto had a heavy influence in your antsy behavior. She looks at you uncertainly, but decides to take your word for it.

"You know, Bakugou was a wreck. He knew the moment your clones disappeared that something happened. It took a lot to get him calm enough to even go home instead of going after you," She informs you, making you feel bad with how things were left off with Katsuki this morning. Well, worse would be a better way to phrase it. You knew it had to be hard on him, especially since you eluded to it.

"Yeah, we got into a fight because of it," You state, unable to hide the weight in your words. She frowns a bit looking at you.

"When do you get off?" She asks, seeming to have stirred up an idea.

"Don't have anything solidified, I'd just have to talk with my coworkers before leaving," You inform her, and at your words, one of your coworkers rushes up and tells Mina to take you. Mina raises a question brow at you, so you scratch the back of your neck. "I've been working for the past 7 hours without taking a break," You explain, to which earns you a glare.

"Alright go get ready, we're leaving in 5," She says seriously, which makes your skin crawl since you've never seen her this serious, not even during the anime. You nod, trying not to show just how scared you are of her currently. Taking off the apron, your coworkers all let out a sigh of relief, to which you apologize to them. They wave you off with a smile, telling you to have fun.

Meeting up with Mina again, she has her phone pulled out, and is tapping away. Though as you approach, she puts it away. She takes a few steps towards the door, but stops. "Wait... 7 hours without a break... don't tell me you haven't eaten all day?!" She booms which draws a lot of attention.

Quickly quieting her, do you respond, "I had breakfast, and lost my appetite for lunch." She glares at you, before sitting you down and calling someone over. She orders a healthy variety, and enough to feed four. You stare at her confused why she would order so much, but she is more focused on her phone at the moment. While she's distracted, you decide to pay the bill ahead of time.

Luckily you managed to escape long enough to pay the bill, and when you sat down, Mina finally ended up putting her phone away. "Soooo, what are we doing?" You inquire, to which she secretively smiles, putting a finger to her lips. You sigh, but decide to play her game. We receive our drinks as two customers barge into the restaurant, gasping for air.

You quickly realized it was Kirshima and Denki. You lightly chuckle, while now understanding why Mina ordered so much. Though you're glad Mina didn't try to rope in Katsuki. The two approach us, and my coworker takes their drink order. Luckily you gave more in anticipation of more expenses. You told your coworker to keep a 20% tip and the rest to go to my next payment. And if expenses went over what you had paid up front, to take it out of your next payment.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now