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As you wake up, you groan, your body feeling stiff. At the thought, your eyes snap open, and you're in the LOV hideout. You head whirls. Did you not just take care of them yesterday? You then notice Toga's device has a full canister of blood. Looking down at yourself, you're bleeding quite badly in your non-dominant arm.

Feeling a little pale, you try to speak, but your mouth is dry. What's more, it seriously hurts. "That'll teach you from talking smart with me," Shigaraki comments. To which you pull your lips back into an inaudible snarl. You focus enough chakra to unlock the cuffs, disabling them, though they remain on.

Shifting, you heal your throat, watching as they all look at you startled and a little afraid. Using the 100-healing jutsu, you break your restricting chains. Lunging on top of Shigaraki, you keep his hands out of reach by pinning them to the floor.

Slight explosions sound off, catching you off guard. You look around trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. Though when you look back down at Shigaraki, you see Katsuki. Your eyes widen, and you hurriedly get off him, relentlessly apologizing. When he gets you to stop apologizing, you turn dead silent. Thinking about how you did it again. Are you a target of someone else? Someone who has the ability to change what you're perceiving, almost as if they're putting you into a genjutsu themselves.

A frown tugs at your lips at the thought. Especially because it causes intense situations that puts the people around you in danger. It also asks the question of what are the pre-requirements. Because it may make it all the more concerning considering you've attempted to stay pretty secluded to avoid a situation such as this.

"What happened?" Katsuki tentatively asks. You look at him, unable to hide the phantom weight you feel weighing on you. Your eyes are a little dull, but serious. He seems surprised, which is valid considering how cheery you normally are. You can thank Naruto for the emotional boost to prevent others from prying too much.

"This wasn't the first time I hallucinated my surroundings. The first time I thought Aizawa was Toga, and that Present Mic was Dabi. If it wasn't for the fact I wanted answers, I might've seriously hurt Aizawa, and with Present Mic, he was able to snap me out of it by using his quirk. This time. I thought I was back at the LOV base. I believed Toga was able to get a hold of my blood, and that you were Shigaraki. If it weren't for your explosions..." You drift off, hating how easily you were manipulated.

What you hated more, was being used to hurt the ones you care about. Katsuki's expression turns serious, understanding that the person has enough information to even get you to hallucinate like that. Which is dangerous, considering if they're following you often enough, they may know about your origins as well as your vast knowledge about what'll happen without shifting.

You might have to shift into ino for a while to try and gain access to her mind jutsu so you can communicate to people telepathically. At the same time, there's not enough information about the quirk being used to take that risk. There's no need to attempt to risk losing a part of yourself just to gain something that may still be ineffective.

Sure her jutsu is useful, but you'd rather not lose a part of you if you don't have to. "We'll need to figure out what's happening and why it's happening. That way we know what measures to take to try and counteract it," You reason, knowing that something needs to be done. And while you're certain it's a quirk, there's a chance it could be something else.

A part of you wants to try and figure out how you can keep aware of your surroundings, but even with Bakugan, chakra signatures aren't always strong. Though you would be able to identify objects, it just takes a bit longer. It'll also cause quite the strain on your eyes if you use it too long, especially since your body isn't used to using it.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now