First Day on Your Own

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You wake up, feeling that your back was in pain, so you stretched and started to remember the situation you're in. You get up and can tell that Aizawa isn't up yet, so you head to the kitchen and start a small pot of coffee for him, not wanting to do anything overly complicated, you let him decide what to add.

Though, you don't make anything for yourself and just write out a note to Aizawa that you were going to go for a walk. You wanted to get more clothes, but with the budget you had yourself on, it was no use buying clothes. You just go to the mall to browse and waste time. But your main goal was to just get some space to pretend that everything was alright, like it was back to the way it was.

Still as you walked around, it was blatantly obvious that things aren't ever going to be the same. Then you come across a store that's looking to hire forgein highschool students. You figured that it'd do you good to get some extra cash so you weren't just being a burden to Aizawa.

Going into the store, you were surprised that you were hired on the spot, but didn't complain. You started working right away, and after a few hours flew by, your boss sent you on break. You start to feel guilty, remembering you had told Aizawa you were going for a walk, but ended up working instead. Before you could figure a way to inform him, you were already back in the grind of work. Then all of a sudden a group of rowdy kids walk in, but you can't understand a single word they say.

You just let one of your Japanese co-workers take care of them, at least until you heard a person's name followed by mini warning explosions. Surprised, you spin to find Bakugou around his middle school gang. Your jaw dropped at the odds, and you tried to find some way to get out of his potential sight.

"Oi weirdo, what are you doing here?" Footsteps approach me with an all too familiar voice.

"Working," You say simply, not wanting to engage further, but doubt Bakugou will drop it.

His group of friends saunter over and quickly pick up that you don't know japanese. So they resort to sounding out their opinions on you. You feel an anger boil in you, but keep it together because they're customers and you're currently an employee.

Turning to Bakugou you ask, "Is there something I can help you with?" The boys instantly talk with Bakugou, and you wait patiently. Though fortunately, a co-worker tells you the boss is looking for you. They take your spot and you head to meet the owner.

"Trouble already found you huh? Well, you can be done with working. And if those boys keep giving you trouble, feel free to use your quirk outside of the mall," The boss informs you, handing over an envelope of cash.

Thanking her you give a smile that feels free from the weight of everything that has recently hit you. You sneak out and manage to slip by without the group of boys noticing. Sighing in relief, you head to the bathroom and hide in the stall before counting your earnings.

Your eyes widen at the large sum since it's practically triple what you have. You'd be able to get some clothes if you budgeted correctly. Though, you decide it's better to save and use it for food. Besides, your bag has a few changes of clothes. Looking at the time, you rush back to Aizawa's, knowing he'll most likely be upset.

Once you arrive, you knock on the door only for there to be no response. Carefully testing the door, it creaks open in response to your direction. You look around expecting to suddenly be attacked. Though you find the house is completely empty. You then notice a note on the counter.

(L/N) I was called for a mission, I wrote down my phone number. Save it to your phone and only call if you need something. Don't call for something stupid, or else I'll kick you out when I get back.

— Aizawa

You feel relieved at the news, and put his number in your phone. It feels surreal as you look at his contact info on your phone. Though you shrug it off and go out to eat. As you walk around downtown, you marvel at all the different walk-ins that are being advertised.

You decide to go simple with ramen, and giggle internally as it makes you think of Naruto. But you go still with shock as you see two angry blondes and a mild tempered burnette. You just ignore them and approach an employee by a podium.

Unfortunately, you're seated by the two bickering blondes, but it is amusing to hear the bickering for yourself. You ordered the slightly spicy ramen, and once it arrived, you realized the bickering stopped. Not daring to even look in the direction, you give thanks as per custom, then start to dig in.

As you finish your serving, you set your chopsticks off to the side and again say thanks, in Japanese custom. Then someone sits in front of you. With wide eyes you look up to find Mitsuki, which confuses you further. Then a hand lands on your shoulder, quickly building up heat. You look over to see Bakugou giving you a death glare.

"Hi! I'm Mitsuki Bakugou, and this is my son Katsuki Bakugou. He told me you were at the entrance exams at UA and that you're from America. Though he never told me your name," She starts off, hand over the table to shake.

You take it and respond, "That's probably because he never got it considering he views me as an extra. But the name is (F/N) (L/N), and I guess I know who to thank for giving me a pretty face to look at while I'm training." You've always wanted to say something along the lines of that when you imagined being with Bakugou for fun.

"You're too kind! Besides you yourself are a gorgeous young woman," She returns the compliment.

Bakugou's hand had moved to face upward where he sent off a few minor explosions. You turn to face him, unflinching considering you know that you can use your quirk to shift and use Kiri's quirk if need be.

"Ooh! Don't mind me, I'll leave you two alone. Katsuki be back home by nine," Mitsuki says as she gets up. You watch helplessly as she walks away, and Bakugou takes her spot.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now