Hero Course Entrance Exams

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A list of names are then called and directed by Midnight to the general exams where you immediately spot the blonde you've fawned over around your friends. As if sensing you looking at him, he looks over with a look of disdain. Then that confident smirk fills his lips, no doubt thinking that we're all just a bunch of extras he can easily beat. You inwardly laugh, seeing as you finally get to see his personality on a first hand account.

You then notice in the corner of your eye, your hair going blonde, matching his. You're surprised, and see him looking over at you with careful eyes. You begin to panic and try to think, and all you end up doing is smirking at him, like he had previously done.

Feeling taken aback, your hair color returns to normal and you just know it's your quirk.

While Present mic is explaining the rules, you take the time to test your quirk. You think about Bakugou again, and when you do, you try to set off little soundless explosions. Having succeeded, you feel giddy.

Though for the exam, you know Deku's quirk when it's more developed will be more useful. So you think about season five and how Deku has the basic power of OFA under control, but also developed blackwhip. Your hair turns green and you feel OFA's energy run through your veins. Testing it, you try to release a faint wisp of blackwhip.

Again successful, you smile to yourself. Looking at your card you try to remember who you'll end up with. It says 'A', but for the life of you, you can't seem to remember if that's with Deku or not. Suddenly you feel a wave of attention shift onto you. You then find Iida pointing at you.

"Oi! Sit down, no need to interrupt Present Mic and drag attention onto others when they don't want it," you respond, knowing exactly what's happened. There's snickers from the people who did understand me, but a lot of confusion. Therefore Mic translates for me. Iida turns red and sits down.

Though there's still one person who's still observing you. You break down and look at the person, meeting a pair of scarlet eyes. Your heartbeat skips a few beats before thundering in your chest, causing you to quickly look away to hide your reddening cheeks.

You patiently watch the screen, noticing the subtitles they have for us. Though it's no use considering you're aware of the rules. Out of habit, you play with your hair out of boredom. As people get up, you smile and get ready to go do the entrance exam.

You were always peculiar because you never were really scared of life or death situations. Proven with the handful of accidents you've experienced yourself. So as you are led to the testing ground, you feel excited to see the robots in person. Though you do have an advantage with knowing about the saving points. Still, you plan on reacting like normal, as though you don't know about it.

As you look at the gates, you imagine Deku just as you had before. Rolling your shoulders, you prepare to face and defeat a large majority of the robots that you come across. Though as you look around you see Bakugou and start to feel anxious. You find it odd, but figure it's because you're essentially Deku.

As the door cracks open, you send black whip ahead to launch yourself forward and use OFA's speed and strength to instantaneously defeat the group of robots that surround you. Everyone's surprised considering they haven't even been told to start, but Mic said the whole shebang that they don't get a starting time. Explosions sound behind you, and you go in a different direction, knowing he was going to destroy everything possibly even before you can get to it. As you rack up countless points, in the corner of your eye red spikey hair catches your eye.


He's doing well, in fact he's helping the people around him, coming to their rescue as soon as he notices that they're about to be hit. Then you hear it. The rumble from the zero pointer. It is coming in the direction from Kirishima, so you instantly rush over to the group of kids.

"Go! Evacuate the area immediately! Make sure to prevent anyone else from approaching," You say to Kirishima due to familiarity. He looks at you for a moment, his eyes wide and admiring. The rumble of the zero pointer nears, and you look up at its towering machinery. Then you notice a person being chased out just in front of the robot.

You shoot blackwhip, grabbing the person, and putting them with Kirishima's group. Facing the robot, you decide it'd be safer to restrict it with blackwhip long enough for the exam to finish. Your strength is heavily tested as the robot attempts to move within your bonds. You fire up OFA's strength to keep a strong hold of the robot.

A bell rings, but you keep a hold of the robot until it completely shuts down. The adrenaline that runs through your veins prevented you from realizing how heavily you were breathing. Your hair returns to normal, and you feel lightheaded. Taking a few breaths, you feel well enough to make your way out, only to be hit with the hard fact that you have no where you can go.

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