Questions From Him

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"So you find me attractive now do you?" He teases, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I'll admit, your features are pleasant, but still not sure if I'd actually date someone with your temperament," You confide honestly. Though you know you'd jump at the opportunity if he offered. Though he's one to focus more on his path to becoming the number one hero than a romantic relationship.

"Well, it's not like it makes a difference cause I doubt I'd date you. You're probably still weaker than me even doing your best," He comments, but you silently smile to yourself.

"Ah, that's fair, besides there'll be a handful of other guys that are probably a better option than you romantically at UA," You refute, not even batting an eye.

"You say that as if you know you got in," He leans back, as if trying to catch you. But all you do in response is smirk. "Alright then miss know it all, did I get into UA?" He raises an eyebrow and a smirk tugging his lips.

"You'll find out in time, besides I doubt you need me to tell you you did good. Though that just means I'll see you in class," Your response is a little confusing to follow, but it gets the answer across.

"Good? Hah! I'll get the highest score, just you wait and see!" His ego finally surfaced.

"Would've if I wasn't there," You mumble knowing he's not going to like hearing your words.

"What was that?" His eyes slit, looking you over again, seeming to have heard you and is determining your strength.

"Nothing you won't figure out in time. Though is there anything else you intend on grilling me about?" You respond, trying to change the topic.

"The person you were copying at the entrance exams, was it this nerd?" He asks, sliding his phone towards you with an image of Deku on it.

You don't even spare a glance at the phone as you inquire, "And why do you want to know?"

"Want to know if this damn nerd has been lying to me my entire life," He snides.

You still don't look at the picture and respond, "You do realize that I had just developed my quirk yesterday. In fact as they were talking about the rules, hence why I got called out by that student."

His eyes widened in surprise, probably finding it hard to believe me. "I take it that the person you are inquiring about was considered quirkless and probably even bullied for it. Guess what quirks can develop late, you take me to the doctors and they'll probably tell you that my body wasn't structured for a quirk, yet I still developed a late one," You tell him, hoping it'll at least ease his response to seeing Deku with a quirk. Though you are bluffing about the doctor's you really do not know whether or not your body structure agrees with the statement.

"Answer my question, did you copy this damn nerd," He asks, not dropping the question.

Giving in, you look down at his phone to find that it just turned off. "Guess, fate really wants you to find out for yourself. Night Bakugou, see you in class," You tell him, getting up before he tries again.

Yet, he grabs your wrist, halting your movement towards the door. "You're not getting away without answering my question," He says, showing the image again.

You look at the image to see Deku's school picture, then towards Bakugou. There's no use lying to him, but the confrontation needs to be supervised. Deku is nowhere near being close to managing being confronted by Bakugou. "It's hard to know, I barely looked at the guy. I briefly passed him at the gates, and he was suspended in the air," You comment, keeping the description simple, but acknowledging how it could be memorable.

Bakugou huffs a bit, but knows that it's unlikely I'll budge anything else if there even is something left. He lets go of your wrist, which is attacked with the cold air conditioning. You feel surprised how warm his touch was, and how it was subtle until it was gone.

You shake away the thought and walk away, hoping you'll be back before Aizawa.

Once you're back, you quickly search the house to make sure there's no sign of Aizawa being here recently. Seeming satisfied that you had arrived before him, you settle into a comfortable position on the couch, not expecting to see Aizawa before you pass out.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now