Morning Care

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Your eyes crack open, and you make note that the sun is just starting to show. You sigh. You're not sure when exactly you went to sleep, but you won't be surprised if you have insomnia. Then you realize you're not on the couch as per usual. Looking at your surroundings, you see Bakugou lying peacefully on the bed, facing you, but not touching.

You reach your hand out, tempted to play with his hair, but stop yourself. As much as you want to do the cute couple things, you can't ignore the fact you have no idea how Bakugou feels. Getting off the bed, you stretch a bit. Your body needs food since you slept through dinner. And with how hungry you feel, you decide to go to an all you can eat.

You flicker to Aizawa's to grab money. Heading out, you come across a nice place that seems cheap and filling, which'll work for your current needs. As you eat, you remember how your headache evolved into a migraine. As you think about what happened last night, your brain feels fuzzy, like it's not remembering thighs properly.

Frowning, you decide to just focus on feeding you and Kurama. You then remember you handed Bakugou your phone, and didn't grab it when you left. With the amount of fiction you've read, you decide it'd be best to just have Bakugou hand you your phone in person. Though he may freak out.

Knowing better, you decide you'd rather not worry him if he is to wake up and notice that your phone is still there but you're not. After paying for your portions, you flicker to Bakugou's room, seeing that he's still sound asleep. You smile, but refocus on the task at hand.

You look around on top of surfaces to find your phone as quietly as possible. You become a little frantic when you can't find it, and you try to calm down your breathing. You look over at Bakugou, giving you a reason to remain calm. Though, after a while you become frustrated, your headache worsens.

You sit down, take deep breaths, trying to keep yourself calm. You can always write bakugou a note, explaining the fact that you searched for your phone without snooping, but were not able to find it. Therefore, you went ahead and headed off on your own. Nodding at the plan you look around for something to write with and to write on.

Various times you stand up straight out of frustration, only for you to take the time to breathe. You have no idea why you feel so stressed, but it's almost as though you feel like you shouldn't be in here longer than you need to be. Then you hear rustling behind you. You look over your shoulder seeing Bakugou's eyes crack open, patting the side of the bed you were on.

Seeing as you are not there, he bolts to attention to find that you're just standing there looking at him like an idiot. "Bakugou... I was just looking for my phone so I could get out of your hair," You say a bit shyly. He just gets up and walks over to you. Once close enough, he physically picks you up and places you on the bed.

Wordlessly, he presses a hand against your forehead. "How's your head?" He inquires, looking at you as though you shouldn't lie to him.

"Ah, much better than last night. Thank you for taking care of me in that state," You comment, giving him a bright smile.

"When'd you get up?" He shoots another question.

"I'm not exactly sure considering I didn't look at a clock, but the sun was starting to rise," You inform him of what you do know. He flicks your head in response.

"Idiot. You need to rest if you want to heal properly. A headache could be signs of many things, meaning your quirk could be affecting you in other ways than just headaches," Bakugou scolds you, and all you do is lightly pout.

"I need to make sure I'll be strong enough to face certain events," You fight back.

"I'm also trying to train to become a top hero, but you don't see me being reckless when it comes to overworking myself! Or whining when I'm not training, you might end up backfiring the training if you don't give yourself some time to rest," Bakugou reprimands you, hitting you upside the head.

It wasn't hard, but you rub it playfully. "But I don't feel tired, besides, there's classes!" You protest, finding some rationale.

"Dumbass! Did you not hear a word I said! Here," He frustratedly comments, but climbs into the bed beside you, pulling you into him. You feel yourself becoming like a hot air balloon, the only difference is that you can seem to escape this situation. Though he is a comfortable warmth.

"This feels unfair... why are you so comfy?!" You remark, partially wanting to know if there's a secret that you didn't know of.

"Just go to sleep," he grumbles, you look up at him, seeing his cheeks are red. "What?!" He exclaims, but you can see he's flustered clearly.

"Why haven't you said anything about what I said yesterday?" You tilt your head a bit, emphasizing your curiosity.

"We were in class, and then next time we had the opportunity, you went again and put me before your own health. Why did you never say anything in class? Aizawa would've done something different, heck he's your temporary guardian! Stop thinking that you've got to do everything on your own!" He goes back to scolding you.

"Uh huh, rich coming from you, Mr. Rather do everything on my own," You tell him with a look that you're aware of his desire to be alone.

"Yeah sure I'm not one to work with others, but I at least acknowledge the fact of when I need to take care of myself," He says, not backing down from this fight until he wins. You sigh, knowing that you should really take better care of yourself, especially since you've got Kurama with you.

"Fine, I'll try to be more aware of when I need to take care of myself. Though yesterday was an honest unknown. I didn't know the toll of what I did until I shifted back to normal," You slightly justify yourself.

"Doesn't change the fact that you started to freak out," He points out. You tilt your head a little confused, trying to recall what he could mean. You faintly remember not doing well with a certain feeling. As you think about it more, you realize it was Bakugou's touch that you didn't do well without. You hide your face away, but your ears betray how bad you're blushing.

"Hmm? Do you remember how you were acting?" He teases, his voice low and strangely comforting in this situation.

"I was out of it, I wasn't aware of what I was doing!" You exclaim. Bakugou chuckles, and it makes you melt. He starts to stroke your hair, leading you softly to sleep. "You better wake me up for school," You threaten tiredly as you drift off to sleep, not able to hear his response.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now