New Guardian

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"In the meantime, I'll have you under close supervision. I will not inquire about the future, but will tell your temporary guardian to trust your judgment. Speaking of which your guardian will end up being your teacher," He further informs you. Your jaw goes slack again.

"You're having me in Aizawa's care?!" You can't help but exclaim.

"So you're the troublesome kid I have to watch over," A gravelly, tired voice says as the door creaks open. Your head swivels as you look over at your new sensei, which now that you think about, makes your head reel.

"This should be an interesting match up, but I presume you heard enough of the conversation to know the importance of keeping Miss (L/N) here safe," Nezu directs his attention to Aizawa.

"How far ahead in the future do you know?" Aizawa instantly goes to collect more intel.

"Roughly winter of this year, and trust me when I say it's a busy time for you guys. And that's not even counting the spinoff's that weren't a part of the original plotline," You comment, with a faint smile on your lips.

Aizawa's brow quirks up in curiosity, but doesn't inquire. "I have a small theory about your quirk based on what you've told Nezu. Any chance there are any other characters you know well? Outside of our world," Aizawa inquired.

"Uh yeah there's Naruto," You comment.

"Well try and turn into the character," He says after an awkward moment.

A bit embarrassed, you think of Naruto's optimistic personality and the challenges he's had to overcome. Opening your eyes, your hair is bright yellow like his and you excitedly look for a mirror to see if you have the whiskers like him. In the end you pulled out your phone to look, and felt excited when they were present.

"Seems like you have good control over your quirk for only having it a day," He comments, obviously not knowing how strong Naruto is. Though you give off a big bright grin at it. All you can think of is how it's like Naruto's personality. Same thing happened as you interacted with Bakugou.

"But, we have yet to figure out what kind of side effects you get," He says, and you think about how you overexerted yourself at the exam.

"I think a side effect is lightheadedness if I overuse their abilities, which makes sense. It's a strain on the mind since that's what they were originally. A part of my imagination, introduced through someone else's ideas," You speak up, your hair color back to normal as you recall the current side effect you get.

They both nod in agreement with my logic. And Aizawa keeps eyeing me, gauging my potential.

"Do I dare ask what my students will be like?" He inquires as we walk out of the school to his apartment.

You laugh a bit, thinking about Class 1-A. "Definitely high-maintenance, regardless of who I replace. And honestly part of me hopes it's the grape perv. Though I can tell you there's going to be a student that'll peak your interest during the sports festival," You give him a heads up, smiling as you think of the show and everything that just makes you chuckle.

"You made it seem like there's a change coming, something that'll make things difficult for us," He acknowledges my previous words.

You feel your face fall as you think about everything Class 1-A endures. "Yeah, though I'll have the ability to change things up. Hopefully not too much that I completely derail and split into a path that's overly different. Well unless I'm able to resolve your future problems," You say, not really sharing any details.

"You really don't want to share anything huh," He says, slight skepticism creeping into his voice.

"I'm sorry sensei, but I promise that I'll do my best to make sure there's as little injury as possible to everyone. In the meantime, I'll try and train on the side to master the different characters I know and their quirk. I'll also let you know when it's safe for you to be present or not," You say, your tone trying to be positive, but falls flat due to your selflessness.

You know it's much more important for them to live than you. So you will serve as a shield as long as you can. You begin to chastise yourself, knowing that it's the depression talking currently.

"What about your family? How do they feel about you being overseas?" Aizawa asks, starting up a different conversation. But you freeze up as you're reminded that your home and family are not only technically overseas, but in an entirely different timeline.

Aizawa looks over at you, surprised by your action. Though all you can do is think about your family and how you will probably never see or hear them again. Something wet and damp rolls down your cheek, and you quickly wipe your eyes, moving forward without a response.

"(L/N)," Aizawa calls out as you keep a few steps ahead of him. You just focus on pulling yourself together, knowing it's not going to do you any good to stay stuck in the past.

Suddenly your wrist is grabbed, and you're pulled into an embrace. You feel stunned, you never expected Aizawa to do anything like this. "What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" He gently offers his attention, and you melt. You smile a bit and think that his Dadzawa side is showing.

"Well, for starters, I'm in what I thought was a fictional world, meaning whatever happened, my family isn't here," You find yourself stating, rather surprised that your voice didn't falter at all.

Aizawa just quietly grunts in acknowledgment. And you find yourself finding comfort in his hug. "You're a surprisingly good hugger Aizawa sensei," You end up commenting. Which only resulted in him letting you go. You slightly pout, but know better than trying to push Aizawa.

Once at his house, you note that it's small and quaint, fitting his needs. You feel like this just suits Aizawa, even if he were to have the money to get something more roomy, he'd just stick with the essentials. Though you do realize there's only one bedroom, so you make yourself comfortable by settling on the couch. Since it's still pretty warm out, you don't see much need for a blanket anyhow.

You sit up from your spot to see what Aizawa was doing. You smell the food before you see him. Making your way to his kitchen, you notice that he's making American food. "Oh, you didn't have to go through all that trouble for me," You instantly speak up, feeling bad that he had to put together something he's not all too familiar with.

"I choose to, now go sit down before I decide you don't get any," He commands, and since you know he doesn't really kid around, you had straight for the table. It's lower to the ground and has those seat cushions, so you awkwardly shift around trying to find a comfortable seating position. Giving in, you just sit on your legs.

Aizawa brings in the food and sets it on the table. It's clam chowder, and before you even touch the food you pause remembering that Japanese culture often takes a moment to say thanks for the food served to them before eating by putting their hands together as though they're about to pray. Then say, 'Itadakimasu'. As you do so, Aizawa looks at you in surprise and appreciation follows behind.

You both ate in silence, but you finished beforehand. So you return your dishes to where they were previously before waiting for Aizawa to finish. As he showed signs of being full, you stood up to take the dishes. You look at the amount left and see there's enough for another bowl, so you sit down and finish it all, completely filling yourself. Afterwards you clean the dishes, while aware that Aizawa is watching you.

As you finish washing, you dry the dishes, carefully stacking them before rummaging to find their location. By now, Aizawa has got up and went to his room. Shortly later he walks out again with clothes in hand before disappearing into the bathroom. You just sit on the couch after you have finished drying and putting away the dishes.

You planned to stay awake long enough to at least say goodnight to Aizawa, but before you knew it, you passed out while sitting up.

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