Night Before and the Day of the Internship

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As you look at the time, you figure you should make your way back to Aizawa's before you raise concerns. Though, you really didn't want your time with Katsuki to end. You look over at him, and grab his hand. He startledly looks at you, his face more scared than flustered. You then remember how he always keeps his hands in his pockets because of his quirk.

You smile gently at him, pull him a bit closer. "It's okay Katsuki, I trust you," You tell him, looking him straight in the eyes. He's surprised, but looks away with his entire face turning red. "Katsuki, I hate to bring this up now, but I should probably head back, Aizawa might be getting worried. But I promise that I'll say bye before I leave for my internship," You inform Katsuki, causing him to look back at you.

Before you could think it through, you kiss him on the cheek. As you pull away, you look at Katsuki, and you find it slightly amusing to see how it's like he's been frozen. He looks at you and grumbles a bit, before pulling out his phone. You're a little surprised by his actions, and once he's off the phone he starts leading you towards Aizawa's house. Which, you know for a fact you did not tell him where Aizawa lives.

Arriving at Aizawa's, Katuski knocks on the door casually. Aizawa's voice shouts from the other side to come in. Katsuki, has you walk hand-in-hand, but releases it after telling you to pack your items for the internship. A little confused, you just do as he says and pack your duffle bag, when Aizawa walks up to you. "If I don't get to see you before you head off, then let me say this... Stay out of trouble will ya?" He ruffles your hair after the comment and you puff your cheeks in annoyance.

"I'll try not to, but apparently I'm a magnet for trouble these days," You respond, shrugging your shoulders. Sure the response was a little on the sarcastic side, but neither of you really paid much mind to it. He just gives you a firm glare and you roll your eyes. "If I do end up causing any trouble, I'll be responsible for taking care of it, now stop worrying so much," You say in earnest this time around.

He sighs, but takes the answer, letting you go. Walking over to Katsuki, you smile, and reach for his hand. You both end up walking to his house and when he opens the door, you hear Mitsuki call out angrily. You stop Katsuki from responding by squeezing his hand. "Sorry Mitsuki! It took a bit for us to stop by my place and get my items!" You call out, practically summoning Mitsuki to us.

"(F/N)! I wasn't expecting to see you so soon again!" She exclaims, pulling you into a hug. You use your free hand to return it, so when she broke off the hug, she quickly noticed you and Katsuki holding hands. "Masaru!!! I called it!!!" She instantly runs off to tell her husband, causing me to feel flustered.

"C'mon Idiot, let's drop off your bag, unless you plan on holding onto it until you plan on going to sleep," Katsuki tugs you forward a bit to encourage you to move. You follow him to his room, setting down your bag and turning towards Katsuki. "What?" He asks after you've been staring at him for a while.

"Why'd you bring me here for the night?" You inquire, unable to stop your curiosity.

"Hah?! That's it?! You were the one acting all upset at having to leave, so I thought you'd want some more time with me," He responds like it was obvious, though you smile. You kiss him on his cheek again and thank him. Again he's a blushing mess. And you're about to walk back downstairs when Katsuki grabs your hand.

Turning toward him, you're surprised when he grabs your chin and pulls you close enough where you can feel your breaths mingling with his. Your heart races as you look into his eyes, and your cheeks bloom in heat at the sheer nearness. He then kisses your forehead, and your sensory overload causes you to cover your mouth in precaution of any sound coming out. Your face feels as hot as a sauna.

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