Meeting Him

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"Hey! Wait up!" You hear a voice, and as you turn you see Kirishima. You feel really glad he knows English considering you had just spouted your thoughts onto him without thinking.

Turning toward him you apologize for being so inconsiderate, but he brushes it away. "You were so cool! But what happened to your hair and eyes?" He asks, a bit confused.

"Hmm? Oh it's my quirk, I'm able to copy a person and their quirk, for example if I think of Hawks," I briefly explained to him, as a pair of red wings spread out from behind me.

His eyes light with admiration. "That's such a cool quirk! What's the name of it?" He inquired, and you sweatdropped.

"Funny thing, I only just developed my quirk, well more like I discovered its ability. So I really don't have a name for it," you embarrassedly explain.

"Oh really?! You seem to have really good control over it already!" He compliments you.

"Oi move out of the way extras," You hear Bakugou say, and feel surprised he's speaking in english.

"Oh hush it, we'll probably be your classmates, so stop being all high and mighty," You roll your eyes, but instantly cover your mouth knowing it'll make the situation worse.

He looks at you a bit more carefully before speaking up, "You're the weirdo that copied my features earlier today."

Right. You did do that, but at least he isn't snapping right now. "Were you copying that nerd Deku? So how did you use another quirk?" He inquires and you wince internally.

"Hmm? Deku? Can't say I know him. I was copying a greenette I saw at the gates. He had a surprisingly good quirk for the exams, probably did fairly well himself," You play it off, hoping he'll buy it.

"Whatever copycat," He begrudgingly takes my response, but doesn't seem fully convinced. Kirishima introduces himself, and as Bakugou sets off mini explosions, Kirishima throws his arm over Bakugou's shoulder. You smile at the display, now understanding how they ended up as close friends.

As they walk away, you find yourself standing there, uncertain as to what to do. You were back in your normal clothes at the front of the school. Sighing, you try and think of what to do. You could always just try and find a bench to sleep on, and shift into Momo to make yourself food, but you have no idea of how food works at the molecular level. You sigh, and rummage through your bag, seeing if by any chance there's a chance you have some form of payment.

You find your wallet, and it's just like your own, you feel confused considering it shouldn't be in this good of condition at this time. Shuffling through it, it's just as you remembered, except you have a stack of money. You look at it and realize it's Japanese currency. You pull out your phone, feeling a bit surprised that it works, and that you even have a charger for it. Looking up what you can manage, you find that it'd just be better to buy food and fend for yourself for shelter.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now