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"(F/N)?" A voice calls out behind you. A little confused, you turn to the owner to see Mitsuki. Your eyes widen in surprise. "For a second I almost didn't recognize you in that outfit! You look amazing! Speaking of which, do you think you might be interested in modeling?" She asks, as she approaches you with a smile. Mina looks at her like she's an idol.

"Thanks, but I'm not too sure how I'd feel about modeling, besides I had recently started helping out a business here in the mall," You inform her, seeing her expression turn a bit pouty.

"Well, where are you working?" She asks. And since you don't want to mess up where you work, you go to the closest map and point it out for her. "Huh? Oh! Well that's my sister-in-law's place, I'm sure She'd be willing to work something out so you can also model if you want," Mitsuki gives you that smile that feels infectious.

"Girl, do it! I've heard you sometimes get to keep some of the clothes that you model with her business!" Mina whispers into your ear, and all you can do is chuckle.

"I'll talk to my boss to see what we can manage to work out. If nothing works though, I'll have to up keep my work with your sister-in-law," You tell her, letting her know it might be a small while before you're able to get to her.

"Oh, I'll talk with her, besides it's been a while since I've talked with her. Hmm?" She starts before noticing something behind you, "Ah, I suppose I should get going. Enjoy your night girls!"

Mina jumps up and down and nearly shakes you to death. "I can't believe I got to meet her in person! She's a CEO of a smaller fashion brand, but I've loved her line for as long as I can remember!" She gushes and you laugh brightly.

"Mina!" A familiar voice calls out. You turn towards it to see Kirishima, which causes him to do a double take. "Wait, you're that girl from the exams!" He exclaims, almost happy to have met you again.

"Kirishima! What's up?" Mina inquires, bringing Kirishima's excited look back.

"I got into Class 1-A!" He says in English to keep you in the loop as well.

"That's awesome! (F/N) and I got into Class 1-A too!" Mina cheerfully says. Kirishima looks at you and gives a toothy grin. Your heart melts from cuteness, and you just want to squeeze his cheeks.

"I'm not surprised! You handled that zero-pointer with no problem!" He compliments you. But all you can think of is that he stuck around.

Hitting him in the back of the head you scold him, "I told you to evacuate, not to stand and watch me!"

He rubs the back of his head and responds, "Hey! To be fair I didn't expect you to handle that robot so well."

You cross your arms, "It's a hero's priority to assure other safety before their own. So when a hero knows they're well suited for a situation, they should take up the front, leaving other heroes to continue to maintain safety amongst citizens."

Kirishima's eyes widen, then he starts to sniffle a bit, "That's so manly!"

"Oooh! (F/N)! What was your score?!" Mina asks excitedly and you sweatdrop, remembering that you didn't actually know what score you had gotten.

"Funny thing... I don't actually know. I learned the day of the exam. Since I'm a unique case, I had met with the principal to talk some things out, such as a guardian for while I'm overseas," You sheepishly explain your dilemma

They both look at you in surprise, and you have an awkward smile on your lips. "Oi! You copycat! We've got to talk!" You hear his voice boom as he makes his way to you.

You face him as he approaches you, and he pauses for a slight moment. You notice his eyes skim you up and down. "You wanted something Bakugou?" You ask casually, trying not to blush at the fact he's looking at you in this outfit.

"Yeah, how'd you manage to get 150 points?!" He thrust a screenshot of the scoreboard, your name above Bakugou's making it seem minor in comparison. You only got 65 saving points, meaning you defeated a lot more robots than you thought you did.

"Wait... isn't that higher than All Might's score?!" You hear Mina say and you unintentionally flinch.

"Yeah it is! I just searched it up, All Might only got 120 points for his entrance exams," Kirishima explains. You return Bakugou's phone and start to walk away.

As you hear them follow after you, you shift into Naruto and make a handful of shadow clones. You walk in a direction and still hear one of the following you. You look behind you to see it's Bakugou.

"You think I'm dumb? Why would you head to an exit if you just wanted to get away from us so you didn't have to answer any questions?" He comments knowing it's you.

You turn around and face him directly. "Oh really? There's a total of seven of me in this mall. How do you know I'm the real one?" You ask him flat out.

He approaches you and stares you down. "Easy, I followed the idiot that made a hand sign to here," He comments, mini-explosions coming off his hand.

You smirk at him before undoing the ninjutsu, poofing into the air. The memories going to the real you who had snuck around the three of them and went out the closest exit. "Like I was going to make it easy for you Bakugou. Though smart thinking to try and follow me," You say under your breath.

You hear explosions from inside as they quickly approach your exit. You shift into Kakashi, knowing that if bakugou caught up to you, you could flicker away into Aizawa's house. The explosions have died down, so you're not sure of his location anymore.

You then feel a sudden tug on your arm. You look to see Bakugou's signature scowl. Though there's a flicker of surprise as he looks at your face. Probably because of the scar and Sharigan. "You really are just persistent when it comes to getting answers," You sigh, feeling a desire to read.

"Who the heck did you copy this time huh? And does their quirk have something to do with their eye?" He fires off, and you keep a neutral expression.

"Look, my quirk's a bit more complicated than you think alright? And I don't feel like going over the details with you, so if you don't mind I've got a couch calling my name," You tell him, easily breaking out of his grip.

"Couch? What the hell? Don't tell me you've been sleeping on a couch since you've gotten here!" He calls out after you.

"Aw, are you concerned about me? I think I can manage the short term, after all I'm earning money, in due time I'll get a bed for myself. Also if you care to train, feel free to ask me, I'll shift into the previous person and give you a clone that'll help you out," You tell him before giving a small, short wave and flickering off to Aizawa's.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now