We Meet Again

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"What wish?" You hear his calm voice that makes you jump.

"Bakugou?! What the hell! You scared me!" You comment while whirling towards him.

"You left in a hurry yesterday. So why didn't you want to talk about your quirk?" He inquired sitting next to you.

"Ah, well it's because I don't want the information to get in the wrong hands ya know? My quirk isn't just people here and their quirk, it's also characters I've seen in shows. The two that you saw when I was trying to get away are from a show I've watched," You explain to him, and he listens intently.

His lips quirk up in a smirk before he speaks, "So about training, mind showing me just how much of a challenge a clone will have?" You sigh, but shift into naruto and make a clone. Though since it's training I start to get amped because of Naruto's personality.

"So what's this person's name?" Bakugou asks, while stretching out.

"Naruto Uzumaki! Remember the name dattebayo," Your clone cheers with a glowing smile and determination. "Ah, sorry! I end up having the personality of the person I shift into as well, or at least a mixture of theirs and mine as far as I'm aware," You explain before he questions the sudden personality change.

You keep an eye on your clone, making sure it doesn't put Bakugou in danger while in the heat of the fight. Your clone mainly uses taijutsu, but you can tell it's getting tired of trying to hold back to not hurt Bakugou. "If you're not ready to kill me, then you wont get anywhere," Kakashi's first lesson words fill your mind, and you think about Bakugou.

You then notice that your clone makes the rasengan on its own. You pale, quickly recalling the clone causing Bakugou to become frustrated. "Oi! Why'd you do that?! Things were just about to get interesting!" He stomps over to you angry.

"That ability would've done serious damage, damage I'm not sure I could help you recover from," You comment seriously, fading back to normal.

"I don't want you to hold back! How am I supposed to get better if I'm not challenged!" He snaps at you. You sigh, but shift into Kakashi. Making another shadow clone, you have it fight Bakugou knowing you'd be able to help recover with Tsunade's hundred healing seal if he's seriously injured. Though it doesn't seem to take long for your clone to have defeated Bakugou.

"Tch, you've got skill I'll admit. Guess I'm fine with you getting a higher score than me, but know that I'll be aiming to beat you and become the number one hero!" He calls out to you. You smile at the blonde's determination.

"I have no doubt you'll be an amazing hero, even with that temperament of yours," You comment, shifting back into normal. "Well, I best be off, I want to get to work early to talk with my boss," You tell him as you give him a small wave goodbye.

Once you arrive, you see the boss unlocking the place, and she looks at you a bit surprised. Then she smiles, telling you, "We should set up before we talk about Mitsuki's offer." You return the smile and gladly help her out.

Once finished, a few coworkers walk in, able to cover for us while we talk. "Mitsuki called me about offering you a modeling gig. I was wondering when she'd try and snag ya," She informs me with a teasing tone.

"Ah, I'm flattered, but if it doesn't work out with the job, I'll decline her offer," You inform her, wanting to keep true to your word.

"Nonsense! I haven't given you a formal schedule and pay you after your shifts because of the opportunities highschoolers get. So you can model with Mitsuki and come in the shop when you can to help out, and I'll understand if things start to get busy, and so will Mitsuki," She tells you, making you get up and thank her with a hug.

"No need to thank me, both me and Mitsuki feel lucky to have such a hardworking and honest girl that we'll be working with," She tells you.

You hear Bakugou's voice saying something, and it approaches the door. You break the hug and let the Boss take care of her nephew. Though the door opens before she can stand, Bakugou looks at me a bit surprised. "Right, you told me you were going to talk with her," You hear him mumble.

"Katsuki! If you need to get to school on time you know that I can always have one of my workers use their quirk to help you out," She tells him, and he takes it poorly for a moment. Though you do notice he glances at you for the smallest moment, you almost think you had imagined it.

"I've got enough time to stop by, but I'll need to go soon. So can you hurry up?" He asks, his voice sounding a bit irritated. Your boss sighs and tells you to wait here for a moment, so you patiently sit down and wait for her. Once she returns she tells you that Mitsuki wants to try and do a mock photoshoot just so you get a feel for what it'll be like. You bow in thanks, and ask for directions. She writes them down in English to help you find your way, and again you thank her.

A Part Of Your World {Bakugou x  (Fem) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now