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Taylor's Pov
"Hey babygurl." Lance said as I rolled my eyes.

I was not feeling myself this morning. I didn't have my coffee and I don't have any caffeine on me.

I'm practically broke as fuck and I'm gonna kill myself before 1st hour starts.

"Woah what's going on with you?" Anna asked as I opened my locker.

"I didn't get any coffee made last night." I whined.

"Ah... here you go milady." She said handing me a freshly brewed coffee.

"Oh my god I love you so much." I said hugging her.

Anna was only 2 inches taller than me. I took a big gulp and set my bag in my locker separating my books.

We had 1st and last hour together so that was good I guess. We have soccer practice after...

"Baby." I said and when I heard Anna not replying I closed my lockers and helped when she was behind it.

"Don't ever call me that again." She said.

"And what if I wasn't calling you. What if I was calling.... Lance!" I said pulling him over.

"May I get a smooch?" He asked and I was quickly disgusted and shoved him away.

"Call me baby again I'll edge you next time." She said.

"Oh mah god... so dominating. Shut the fuck up." I said passing her.

"Don't tell me to shut up." She mumbled.

"Shut up." I said.

When I didn't hear her behind me I looked behind. She wasn't anywhere to be found.

I turned back around to be greeted with... my ex.

"Hi." She said.

Right... I came out as Pan last year. After Anna well announced it I was greeted with multiple girls.

"Uhm... hi?" I said.

"Can we..." she asked.

I looked at her confused before she sighed loudly and took my hand to a teacher bathroom. She locked the door and looked at me.

I felt her hands on my waist and she shoved her tongue down in my mouth. I tried pushing her off of me.

Most of my exes are top more likely dominate. Me... I make them all switches. But yet this girl never did let me do anything to her.

"I don't want to do anything with you." I said but she covered my mouth.

I felt her hand trail up the skirt I was wearing. Why is it always when I wear skirts? Does she have a skirt fetish?

I bit her hand making her yelp. I felt a straight slap across my face.

"Fuck no you bitch." I said. Punch to the jaw was critical.

"Fuck you." I mumbled stepping over her.
I'm tired to make myself presentable.

I opened the door and stepped out as if nothing happened. I found Anna in the library.

"Why are you here again." I said and she looked at me.

"I'm sorry I left you. I was hopping I would see Kendra around her but I guess not." She said.

"Kendra from the party?" I asked her and she nodded.

"She told me to meet her here but I think she stood me up." She said and I frowned.

She really has been getting some trouble with the spread rumors. I want to tear Rachel apart for that.

"Cmon. Let's go to class." I said and she nodded.

When I saw her again she looked at me. Anna looked at her too.

"Fuck her." She said.

"Wha- no!" I yelled hitting her.

"No I don't mean that. I meant like. Forget about her. She's a bitch." She said.

"Oh... make yourself more clearer." I said and she scoffed.

"Shut up I was clear you just took it the wrong way." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck you." I mumbled.

"I already have now let's get to class." She said.


Me and Anna were sitting at the table with Lance and a few other friends.

"Hey!" We heard as I saw a girl with brown hair and glasses.

"I'm Kendra." She said sitting next to Anna.

"But you stood me up in the library." I heard Anna say.

"My dad made me late I'm so sorry." She said.

Her and Anna got engaged with a conversation. Lance wrapped his arms around me.

"I want a date with you." I heard seeing a tall guy.

"Uhm... no?" I said.

He slammed a basketball on the table and sat across me.

"I'm pretty. I have fluffy hair... mmm I'll do face masks with you andddd... I'm good in bed." He said.

"Like I said no. Now go away." I said turning to Layla right next to me.

"Hey!" He said.

"Yeah hey? I don't want to see your ugly face anymore." I said and he got angry.

"Dude chill. She said no. That means you move along to the next girl." Lance said behind me.

"Cmon please... I can't not with them behind me." He said getting closer and whispering.

I stood up slapping him in the face and grabbing my stuff and leaving. I left for my next class with was trigonometry.

The worst subject ever...


I know I know it's getting cringy. I'm kinda bored and to make up for all the smuts I didn't make in the last book this one will have a lot I hope.

For the people who are new to my books I am dyslexic so don't point out my mistakes.

And do not criticize the characters in these books I made them act that way for a Reason.

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