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Anna's POV
I watched on Camilla's story seeing her in a club with her boyfriend. And seeing a glimpse of Taylor at the bar.

"Hey Anna!" I heard shutting my phone off seeing the girls.

"We're all so happy to see you!" Eva said jumping in my bed.

"Oh thank you!" I said feeling a part of me missing.

"What's got you all tightened up?" Sab asked me and I looked at her.

"Nothing just... something back at home. But I'm here not so what do we start now?" I said as they dragged me all into Eva's room.

Taylor's Pov
"Oh fuck" I whispered as I was a near out of breath. Man's not that bad, dick size could use some work but he knows how to lead an orgasm.

"You okay?" He asked me as I laid there.

"Yeah that was great. Anyways gotta go." I said getting up.

"Wait hold on. We had sex and you just gonna up and leave me?" He asked and I looked at him.

I grabbed the back of his hair while crawling up to his torso. I gave him a good long kiss before departing him from his drunken love.

"Toodles." I said making myself proper after shutting the door.

"Fuck I gotta get home." I mumbled walking unsteady.

"C-Can youuu drivez me home?" I slurred my speech as my driver looked at me.

"Bro your dads gonna kill you." He said as he helped me into his car.

"I honestly could not give a fuck" I mumbled.

When he dropped me off, dad was already waiting in the living room.

"Too drunk to talk to you, gonna go throw up in the bathroom." I said as he looked at me.

"Taylor." He said as I kept ignoring me and walking.

"Taylor you come here and sit down!" He yelled as I rolled my eyes and stopped moving.

"Like I said too drunk to bother about you, you can lecture me all you want later." I said and he scoffed.

"Not like I can stop you in anyway, but I want you to meet someone. I've met someone and they would like to meet you before we get married." He said and I stopped in my tracks.

"MARRIED?!? YOUR GETTING MARRIED!!!" I yelled and he raised a grin.

"Yes, she will be coming over first place in the morning. Be on your best behavior and I might let you crack a beer with me" He said winking.

"Jesus, I hate beer. But uhhh I'll probably be asleep, and if you try and wake me up, I will roundhouse your ass to the moon, too drunk and will be having a heavy hangover." I said.

"God this Anna thing has really fucked you over has it?" He said and I rolled my eyes before tripping up the stairs and diving head first into my bed.

"Uhh, Goodnight Dad..." I said before going into a full deep slumber.

"Goodnight sweetheart." He said and I took a second to let that really feel me. It's the first time he said goodnight to me in a long time.

Even though I'm drunk, It still hit a heavy feeling in me, maybe this new woman will change the way my dad treats me. God it would be a good break from him being drunk all the time, still mourning over my moms death. Hell I've mourned over my moms death after years. A good ol' whiskey bottle always take it for a second before feeling it all over again.


"Taylor! Meet... Angela. This is my girlfriend!" He said feeling all happy and an actual content smile.

It's currently 1pm. I told you I needed a deep slumber. I had made sure I was all ready and not to look like a slob in front of dad's new girl. It's been awhile since I've seen him actual smile.

"You are such a beautiful girl! Wow such pretty skin and body!" She said and I couldn't help but feel the same way my dad feels now.

I finally feel what it is like to have a mother figure! I mean... Anna's mom is the closest one I have yet. Obviously nothing will amount the much things she has done for me.

"I'm Taylor." I said being proper as she looked at me and smile.

She has ginger vibrant hair. Definitely natural hair with small freckles, just the amount of wrinkles for her age. Not much though, she has green eyes and a slim figure. A cheerful smile goes a long way too.

"Now why don't I buy dinner for all three of us now that Taylor is awake!" Dad said has he grabbed his coat.

"That sounds delightful, I didn't wanna leave without you Taylor, has your father suggested that we went without you. It gives me time to know my future step-daughter." She said as I smiled grabbing my stuff.

"Thank you, miss." I said and she looked at me.

"Oh please address me as Angela, I feel we should be on first-named basis." She said and I nodded, heading out with her.

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