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Trigger warning: Overdosing.

Taylor's Pov
I don't go back to Baileys hangout space. I didn't want to let Anna or my brother down with this heroin or Xanax.

I feel as if I did it I would remember it. I don't exactly remember the events of it but there was for sure evidence for it.

The swelling in my arm went down yet the bruise is still visible.

We're coming close up to October as I groaned. I was home alone doing homework before going to move onto playing my guitar.

I've made a few new songs but I need to get through the unfinished ones soon.

I heard the doorbell as I was going to ignore it. I got frustrated when they kept ringing it.

I went down opening the door to see Bailey.

"Hey!" She said hugging me.

"How's it been?! We haven't seen you in awhile!" She said hugging me tighter.

"I can't breathe!" I hoarsed out.

"Oh well sorry Tay." She said making herself home and throwing herself onto the couch.

"Can you get out?" I asked her and she laughed until she understood that I was serious.

"Don't need to be so serious. Here have a drink with me." She said.

"I-I'm sorry. I prefer not to be. 3 months sober and I don't want to ruin." I said.

"And what makes you think that you'll survive 5 months sober. Might as well start over love." She said circling me.

"What. No. I'll make it." I said.

"Just one drink and I'm out of your ass." She said finding shot cups.

She poured a shot of vodka and mixing it with others. She pulled me up a chair now.

I thought of suspicions of it because it was more darker then usual. And the ice was beginning to go down.

"Switch me drinks." I said outsmarting her.

"Oh... okay." She said as I looked at her.

She was nervous...

We both tapped the counter lightly before she told me bottoms up. I took the alcohol down and then was gonna have her remove herself from my property.

Wait a minute... the ice... it's sinking in both of them.

She looked at me as I stumbled back a little.

"Y-Your drugging me." I said and she smiled but since she took her dose she was acting more weird.

Like... psychotic...

"You won't feel a thing my love." she said before showing me a needle.

"Fuck you." I mumbled.

I tried punching her but my dumb self forgot how weak I was. She caught it pushing me back.

"I promise if I could I would never do this to someone. Ever." She said.

"I just need you to work with me alright?" She said pinning me.

She pulled the bottle of yellow organish stuff and putting it in the needle.

I moved as the needle fell out. She got angrier and punched me. Even if she was just as weak as I was it still hurt like a bitch.

I felt her pin point in my forearm. She pinched and put the needle in as I felt a stinging pain.

I was gonna yell out before I felt her stuff something in my mouth.

"I'm... sorry I just need to do this." She said.

I felt a feeling. A sick feeling.

"Shit..." she whispered as I looked at her.

"That was so much then I was suppose to give you..." she said and I looked ag the needle that was stuck in my forearm.

I let out a whimper of pain as she looked at me.

"It's okay. It's okay. I know I made a mistake. I'll get you to the hospital." She said as my eyelids were closing slowly.

"No no. I need you stay awake Taylor!" She yelled.

She grabbed my phone letting Face ID do it's work. I moved my fingers trying to move something.

I felt fading footsteps. Did she just leave me here?!

Anna's POV
"Hello?" I answered Taylor's call as a panicked voice came up.

"Overdosed. She overdosed!" I heard as I was confused and now in a worried state.

"Wait what?" I mumbled getting up.

"Get here quick. And call 911!" She yelled at me before the phone hung up on me.

I called 911 immediately before driving over to Taylor's house. I saw her on the sofa with white stuff coming out of her mouth. She was coughing as I helped her and she threw up on me.

Before losing the state of consciousness. Once the 911 got here they pulled her into the ambulance taking her off.

I was decisive if I should call her dad but I did anyways.

"WHAT!" He yelled.

I got into the ambulance tell them I was her sister. I mean we both look the same. We brought her to the hospital as she started to seize. I was stopped as I couldn't go with her.

Why would she do this? Why would she still do drugs after all this time. She promised me!

"Where is she?!" I heard seeing David.

"Hey hey... calm down. She just went in." I said.

For once in a long time I saw him actually afraid for his daughter.

I fell for my bestfriend...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora