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Tw: Drugs.

Taylor's Pov
I tried to go back after sobering up for a few days while Anna was released from the hospital. It was a minor crash so she only had a few wounds.

"Heyyy. Your here! We thought you'd never show up again." Bailey said as it arrived at the shack.

"Yeah look... I try not to do drugs... I have just got clean. Me and my brother both decided to quit after sophomore year and his last year so can we not?" I asked her.

"Oh well you can't blame me? You did it yourself. We saw you stick the needle in like it was nothing." She said and I scratched my head.

"Yeah okay, well just stop me next time." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"You like to take the fun out of everything don't cha?" She asked and I scoffed

"Don't worry babe. We'll take care of you." She said before giving me a drink.

"Have a drink with us!" She said dragging me along with her.

"I- really can't... I have to go somewhere soon." I said and she laughed.

"Cmon that can wait. Don't you wanna make new friends?" She asked as their was more people here.

"Oh wow... that's a lot more people." I said.

"Just a drink. Than you can go." She said.

Bailey brought back out a kit... the same kit she used the other night. I just watched as the juice slowly disappeared after her pushing it out into her vein.

I heard her let out a sigh as I looked around seeing people talking. I felt a little dizzy before seeing some kneel before me.

"Hey what's up princess." He said and I lolled my head up trying to focus his face.

This drink is really really strong.

"Cmon why don't we take you to another room? You look like you need some sleep."

"No. She's not going anywhere. Stay out of this Keegan." I heard has I drove my head beside me seeing Bailey.

She smirked at me before I saw her getting closer.

"Wow... you look your hands are so veiny!" I giggled taking her hand.

I kept laughing as I could feel a few hiccups. She had a blunt in her mouth as I took it out of her mouth and inhaling it.

"Wowwwww..." I mumbled giggling and snorting before busting out into a laughing fit.

"Your so easy... sucks could have taken you home." I heard as I laughed lolling my head everywhere seeing stars.

"Oh my god! I see God!!" I said before feeling someone's hand in front of my mouth.

I looked at the face as she smiled at me.

"You won't feel a thing." She said as I looked down in my drink.

"Hey! I see ice cubes in my drink. They all sank like the titanic!" I said giggling before jerking my body up and letting my head fall onto someone's rock hard shoulder.

My eyes slowly closed. I feel... weak.

Anna's Pov
"Sweetheart you need to take an easy on yourself." Mom said as I groaned.

Taylor was suppose to be in for movie night! She could have crashed... or worse kidnapped.

"Im calling her." I said calling but it went straight to voicemail.

I called at least 5 more times before giving up. I looked at life 360 to see her driving around.

"Okay... we'll I don't want her to crash so..." I mumbled sitting down.

I had everything ready... Since Lily I've never been able to do movie nights with Taylor and she's been really excited about them. So I thought I'd surprise her but I guess she's having fun with friends?

"Am I blind? Did I treat her bad while I was dating Lily?" I mumbled looking through my texts.

I realized I've texted her less and less... no I was hoping to spend more time with her now that I'm free.


Hours passed and Taylor hasn't been home. I looked at life 360 again to see her at a house.

"I guess she hooking up with someone." I mumbled.

I told her about movie night and she told me she would come! If she didn't want to come she could have turned me down instead of standing me up.

I threw the popcorn away and the sodas back into the fridge. I was pissed but hurt at the same time.

"I guess she's sleeping over?" I mumbled.

I called and this time the phone was picked up!

"Taylor!" I yelled before hearing a different voice.

"Oh Taylor is sleeping right now. She's had a long night." The girl said and it gulped.

"Oh okay. Well I'll pick her up in the morning." I said.

"Oh no need! I'll drop her off! Spare you some trouble. Drop her off first thing we wake up." She said as I let out a little smile.

Well... some people are taking care of her. That's good.

Taylor's Pov
I woke up looking around my surroundings and in a house. I'm not wearing the same clothes as last night?

"What the fuck..." I mumbled looking at a sore arm.

A bruising around the forearm near the bend. I tried getting up before tripping. Forgot this wasn't my bed.

"Taylor? Where are you going?" I heard popping up to see a girl.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I yelled.

"I'm Jaylin. We hooked up last night? You were pretty drunk, and I mean you were just begging for it." She said laughing a little.

"I-... don't remember that..." I mumbled.

"Also did you just drop me? Is that why I have bruises?" I mumbled looking at my legs seeing a few bruises but not very many big or bad ones.

The only one that hurt was the one in my forearm.

"Oh yeah you tripped going up the stairs. And you also did heroin. I didn't think you'd be a girl to do that." She said.



I just had my first year of sophomore and I spilled coffee all over myself. The freshman here look like they either own the place, look scary asf, or just plain dumb. My ex is in my first hour and I sacrificed my left sock for pizza...

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