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Taylor's POV

"So, game day today right?" Anna asked bumping into me.

"Yep, so excited." I mumbled sarcastically.

"Oh Cmon. Soccer isn't that bad is it?" Anna said as I looked at her.

"No. I just prefer sitting at home and watching the rest of the Spider-Man's." I said.

"Oh really, so you can simp over for Harry Osborn? The guy doesn't even look that good." Anna said making me shove her lightly.

"YES HE IS! HES HOT AS FUCK AND CAN MARRY ME!" I yelled and she laughed at me.

"Yeah right. You'd be screaming for 24 hrs if he even appeared next to you." Anna said making me flip her off.

"Respectfully Id let him fuck me more than you've fucked me." I said and she just laughed.

"Aww don't worry... you got Lily to do all the fucking!" I yelled running off to my next class.


I was rushing down the soccer field as I saw Anna with the ball. I was focused on the ball and forgetting to remember the play.

"NO LOCKWOOD GO LEFT!!" I heard as I suddenly forgot my left and my rights.

I went right instead and felt someone knock me to the ground.

"Jesus! THE HELL!" I heard seeing the passive yet aggressive girl getting angry.

"WATCH THE HELL YOUR GOING!" She yelled getting on top of me.

"Oh really! Why don't your fucking piss off. You ran into me!" I yelled flipping her over to where I was on top now.

Suddenly a punch came across landing me back. And then another punch but I tried to block it. I elbowed her in the face before getting split apart.

I felt Anna get me up as I touched my lip seeing blood. I looked at the girl who was holding her eye.

"FUCK YOU!" She yelled and I laughed.

"Pfft you wish." I mumbled before seeing my coach drag me off the field.

"You idiot!" He yelled at me.

"Uhh... I know? My dad was born with a level Iq of 79. And my moms Iq... well I don't know she died before I could even start my highschool Barbie life." I said and he was shocked.

"Well... it was stupid for you to pick a fight." He said.


"You should have blocked it wit your hand and not your face!" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah well when you master all the types of fighting than come talk to me, now are you gonna put me in or not?" I asked and he looked at me as the game was continuing with Anna being the captain and calling all the shots.

"Fine... you think you will be okay?" He asked me.

"Piss off, like you even cared at the start." I said before he stopped me.

"Look... I know that your dad doesn't come very often. But I mean you got the rest of the entire team behind your back." He said.

"Yeah right." I mumbled taking my arm away.

I stepped back out on the field clapping hands with the girl on my team as the game started again.

I looked over at the girl who got red carded. She smirked at me before waving.

"TAYLOR!!" I heard seeing the ball and catching it on my way out to the goal.

I was sitting in my car grabbing the first aid to seal up the cut that the girl made.

"Hey." I heard making me jump so high I hit my head on the ceiling of the car.

"Jesus. Aren't you suppose to be on a bus or something?" I mumbled.

"Oh you care? I didn't think about that." She said and I just realized the black eye she has from the dimmed car light.

"Okay we'll Your the one who ran into me." I said.

"And? Your the one who doesn't know their left and rights?" She said and I groaned.

"Can I?" She asked as I struggled to put the tape on.

I looked at her and scoffed before tossing the tape over and letting her do it.

"Well... I hope your free tomorrow because I'm getting some pizza with a few friends and I'm not about to be third party." She said grabbing my arm and writing her number on it.

"The name is Bailey." She said smiling before skipping off to the bus that I saw in the parking lot.

She waved goodbye before getting on the bus. She had black hair in a high pony tail and muscular legs that I'd probably would let her squeeze my head with.

"Wait... what an I even thinking about. Ew! God get out of my head." I mumbled packing the first aid up and getting in my car to drive off.

"Dad! I'm home!" I yelled to see my dad on the couch with bunch of beer cans.

"Hey sweetie do me a favor and get me another beer?" He asked me.

"No dad... I think you've had enough beer for now... let's get you to bed alright?" I said as he groaned.

When I finally got him to bed I picked up all the beer cans and bottles before meeting myself fall on the bed.

I looked at my arm as I saw her name...

"BDL..." I mumbled.

"Must stand for her name or something." I mumbled.

I grabbed my ohone inserting her number in and was gonna text her before I found myself tired.

"Eh I'll get a shower tomorrow." I mumbled before falling asleep.


I finally watched Stranger things after 5 years of my BS...

Harry Osborn has my heart before anyone else could.

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