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Anna's POV 

"Hey Anna! How about we make a tiktok!" One of the girls said as I looked over at them. 

"Yeah sure just give me a minute." I said calling Taylor. 

She eventually unblocked me as I've been calling her weekly, God I have such attachment issues. She usually answers me but she didn't this time.

"Hey Tay... Look I know you don't wanna talk to me, I'm just checking in with our weekly calls, uhm... I hope your doing good, and I mean so am I, I am fully having a luxury life over here" I said nervously.

"Uhm you don't have to call me back if you don't want too but text me so I make sure your not dead, lmao. I love you so much and again, hope your doing good." I said ending my voicemail. 

"Who are you talking too?" Sab asked coming in.

"Uhm! No one really, just a old friend back in Michigan. Just seeing how they are adjusting without me." I said seeing a few of the girls.

"Oh okay, well come in the living room, were all getting ready." Eva says leaving. 

"Hey are you sure your okay? Just felt like you were somber in that voicemail." Karina said as I shook my head.

"Feeling completely fine thank you though." I said and she nodded before wrapping her arm around me and us both exiting my room towards the living room. 


"Hey mom" I said answering her call.

"Hey! Just wanted to tell you that Taylor is doing just fine. She in fact came over yesterday to have lunch with me and your father." She said and I felt relieved.

"Uhh thank you mom, That helped me alot." I said.

"Hey this isn't your fault you know that right. Part of this is Taylor's mental illness, she is still recovering from all sorts of drama, she will get to you eventually just not right now, she is still apart of the healing stage." She said and I smiled.

"Also... She talked about having a new step-mom, so that would be a good change for her to actually have a mother figure walking around the house." She said and I nodded.

"Well just wanted to let you know about her, she's doing great and she is awaiting for your arrival on your birthday." She said as I yikes myself.

The managers won't allow me to go home for my birthday, fact they won't allow me to go home at all. They need me here to create the content for them, just as a singer does for their managers. 

Fuck I really need to tell them that soon, I hope Taylor can just hold on until the next time I see her, I really wanna fix what I did wrong. I hate being unable to text her and to ever see her anymore. Hear about how her day is going and who she is going to fuck next, that what we did last time.

Good memories that was, but I'm on my own now, I've got decisions to make that can alternate my entire future. Damn, I wish this wasn't as hard as it was in highschool when everyone was creating drama all the damn time. 

If you think about it highschool is just like social media, just more cyber bullying on not just popular creators such as Charli or the "great" Zoey Laverne. Its more of everyone, God it's worse than highschool, its a whole battlefield out here.

I've been getting hate left and right, but I mean everyone in this house does, it's just Taylor always defended me, but not that she's blocked me on tiktok, instagram, and others, its not been the same. 

I hope she is doing good without me, I mean at least content with whats going on recently in her life. 

Taylor's Pov

"That's a good girl." I said as I arched my back, She was currently giving me head as I tore my fingers through her hair, pulling it every once in awhile as she moans and I definitely feel those vibrations that run through me.

"Fuck your so good, keep going and don't stop." I moaned arching as that got her on the right track.

When we were done she cuddled next to me falling asleep, I quickly snuck out before she could wrap an arm around me. I left a note and than slipped out back to my apartment. 

It's been awhile since School ended, I've been enjoying life and spending my daddy's rich money. Eh he told me to go to town on his money because he has just gotten a successful trip, his marriage was days away and I finally got myself an apartment. 

You know how annoying it is when you hear your parents having sex all the goddamn time. Like Jesus you making a baby in there, I prefer not having a sibling right now. 

Recently I was suggesting to making music again, I just don't know if it would actually make me a successful person. My dad wants me to take over his company has I already refused too do that. He ended up going to gift it to his brother if he dies, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Maybe I should release some music, Anna was kinda right, I could do some good with my music. Anna... I realize I gradually start to miss her sometimes. She's called me so many times, I just let it ring and listen to her voicemails.

So far she has reaches 10 million on tiktok and I'm so proud of her, she also has been getting closer with the girls in the house, I feel like she's gotten so much closer and I'm getting so much farther. 

She should be coming home for her birthday, I'll surprise her than, maybe with an apology too, I definitely owe her that. I do miss her so much, fuck it was like she was my soulmate.

"What's popping!" I heard seeing Sage bust through my doors.

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