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Tw: Drugs

Anna's POV
"Lily!" I yelled waving at her.

She ignored me... wait what did I do wrong? I tried to walk over to her but she quickly slipped away.

I felt a little disappointed. I tried texting her the next day but she jus plain right ignored me!

I groaned loudly digging my head into Taylor's pillow.

"Why don't you try talking to her?" Taylor said.

"YOU THINK I HAVENT TRIED THAT!!" I yelled at her.

"Sheesh... someone's on their period." She said making me slap her in the back so hard which resulted her to cough.

"Look I can't even handle a two month relationship. Or even a distanced relationship... stop asking me for relationship advice." She said laughing making me slap her in the back of the head again.

"What if... what if she's loosing feelings..." I mumbled feeling sad.

"Anna... maybe Lily just needs some time to think? I mean do you know anything that could have pissed her off?" Taylor asked and I shook my head no.

I felt my eyes start to water. I shoved my head into the pillow. I actually loved this girl and it feels like she's using me now.

"Heh... you know it's a family thing." Taylor said before I shoved her off her chair.

"Lily isn't like Sage." I said which made Taylor look at me.

"Lily is... she's just a human person with feelings and I should respect it. Unlike what Sage did to you! So shut up." I said and that took a twist between me and Taylor.

"I was making a joke..." Taylor said and I scoffed.

"Whatever..." I mumbled.

"You... really love this girl?" Taylor mumbled and I looked at Taylor who now has a cut from the desk.

She got up wincing as I felt bad. I offered help but she shoved me off.

"Don't touch me if your just gonna shove me again." She said and I frowned a little.

"I wasn't- I'm sorry... I didn't mean too." I said.

"Anna it's fine... it's okay..." she said has blood dripped down her arm.

"I just... I have a date tonight. So..." she said and I smiled a little.

I mean after all it's been 3 months since... well Sage.

"Don't piss Lily off and just be there for her."

"And don't fucking ever bring Sage up to broken relationships." She said and I could tell she was angry.

After that she left...

"Dammit.." I mumbled.

I texted Lily to meet me at the cafe...

Taylor's Pov
"Woah! You actually came!" She yelled coming up to me.

"Right yeah... I've never heard of pizza on this block." I said looking at the other two who were obviously stoners.

"Oh we're not getting pizza." She said holding up a bag.

"Wha- no. Heroin!" I asked and she just giggled.

"Oh Cmon. You don't have to have some." She said taking my arm.

We ended up in a hideout place where the two sat on the couch and me and Bailey sat in the bean bag chairs.

She inserted her needle into the forearm and holding the it up so it can flow properly.

"Wooo... that's a relief..." she said and I stared at yellowish orangish substance.

"Beer?" I heard seeing the guy with silver shaded hair and the girl that had black mane hair.

I shrugged before nodding has he tossed me one. I popped it open and downed it.

"Woah girl. What's got your mind fucked?" She asked.

"Eh... friends. Got a girl fucked her mind up." I said.

"Is that how you got this?" She asked me pointing at the cut on my arm.

"Here.. let's take care of it." Bailey said grabbing the first aid.

She carefully grabbed my arm as she was trying to stich the long cut. She poked the needle in making grunt at her.

"Relax you big baby." She said has a huge wiff of weed came in.

"Here you go. I'm giving this to you cause I trust you." The guy said giving me a blunt.

I smiled before he tossed me a lighter as I lit at the end throwing it back. The weed took the pain off my arm so Bailey successfully closed the wound.

I was high off weed and drunk... so drunk...I didn't realize the needle that was stuck in my forearm...

Anna's Pov
She stood me up... she fucking stood me up...

"DAMN IT!" I yelled kicking my car.

I was utterly pissed off and hurt.

"God what did I do to you? What did I fucking do to you..." I mumbled as I put my head in the steering wheel.

Suddenly I got a call from Lily as I picked up prepared for her to break up with me. I just knew it...

"Hey Anna can you just meet me at my house? I have something to tell you." She said before hanging up before I could say anything.

I let out small whimper when I knew everything was going to crash dow on me. Taylor was mad at me. I'm gonna be on the verge to be broken up with.

I started my car as I drove. I stopped at a red light when I realized I forgot to buckle. I was going to quickly buckle but a honk blew as I looked up tower a green light.

I started to go and saw headlights and than black.

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